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AmeriCorps NCCC


In Their Own Words...

Earth Oneders - 2008 AmeriCorps NCCC Team Blog

Back by popular demand - through this all-new weekly blog, experience life in AmeriCorps NCCC as we wonder where the Oneders will wander next!  > GO

In Their Own Words...

Interested in joining AmeriCorps NCCC? Hear what members from the Atlantic Region campus serving in Louisiana and Mississippi have to say:

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Service Through Teamwork

AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) is a full-time, team-based residential program for men and women age 18–24. Members live on one of five campuses, located in Denver, Colorado; Sacramento, California; Perry Point, Maryland; Vicksburg, MS; and Vinton, Iowa.

The mission of AmeriCorps NCCC is to strengthen communities and develop leaders through direct, team-based national and community service. In partnership with nonprofit organizations, state and local agencies, and faith-based and other community organizations, members complete service projects throughout the region they are assigned.

Drawn from the successful models of the Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s and the U.S. military, AmeriCorps NCCC is built on the belief that civic responsibility is an inherent duty of all citizens and that national service programs work effectively with local communities to address pressing needs.

How AmeriCorps NCCC Works

AmeriCorps NCCC requires an intensive, 10-month commitment. Members serve in teams of ten to twelve and are assigned to projects throughout the region served by their campus. They are trained in CPR, first aid, public safety, and other skills before beginning their first service project.

AmeriCorps NCCC members serve communities in every state, but live and train at five regional campuses. Sponsoring organizations request the assistance of AmeriCorps NCCC teams by submitting a project application to the regional campus that covers that organization’s state. The campuses provide assistance in completing the application, developing a work plan, and preparing the project sponsor for the arrival of the AmeriCorps NCCC team.

Do You Want to Serve in AmeriCorps NCCC?

Who Can Apply to Host an AmeriCorps NCCC Team?

  • Community-based organizations—both faith-based and secular
  • National nonprofits
  • Schools
  • Cities and towns
  • National and state parks
  • Indian tribes

Each year, AmeriCorps NCCC engages teams of members in meaningful projects in communities across the United States. Service projects, which typically last from six to eight weeks, address critical needs in education, public safety, the environment, and other unmet needs. Members tutor students, construct and rehabilitate low-income housing, respond to natural disasters, clean up streams, help communities develop emergency plans, and address countless other local needs. What would it be like if your organization had the resources of 10 to 12 enthusiastic, talented, and dedicated young adults working on a short-term, intensive project? Think of the impact!

NCCC Summer of Service

Like the year-round AmeriCorps NCCC experience, which is geared to young adults ages 18 to 24, the NCCC Summer of Service combines the best practices of structured team-based activities and service-learning programming. In 2009, this residential NCCC Summer of Service program is available to 100 youth ages 14 to 17 living in Denver, CO. Youth from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. AmeriCorps NCCC members will also engage 100 youth in a non-residential community service experience on various service projects in Washington, DC through a partnership with Serve DC and the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program. In both models, program participants will serve alongside and under the supervision of year-round AmeriCorps NCCC members.

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