Friday, June 19th, 2009 at 6:49 pm

Welcome to OMB, Jeff!

Peter R. Orszag, Director

The OMB team gained another important member today as the Senate confirmed Jeff Zients to be the Deputy Director for Management (DDM).  The President’s also asked Jeff to serve as the Administration’s Chief Performance Officer (CPO).  I’ve blogged about Jeff before, so I won’t go through his resume again.  But suffice it to say, he’s a proven leader who has an impressive record of success everywhere he’s worked.  And now, with the Senate’s approval, he’s ready to bring his talents to public service.

We’ve got a big job ahead of us.  The Washington Post today ("The Memo that Roared") talked about what we’re trying to accomplish in reforming government hiring practices and in retaining highly skilled and effective employees — that’s just one priority Jeff will take on.  Add to that list contracting reform, program evaluation, and e-government — and you can see he’ll have a lot on his plate.  Jeff Zients is the right man to take the reins — an experienced leader who understands how large organizations work and how to drive their performance.

I can speak for everyone at OMB when I say congratulations to Jeff and his wife, Mary, and to their children, Sasha, Matt, Josh, and Jonny.  We’re excited to have Jeff on our team.