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Heart health

Flu can cause heart attacks, study says

Up to half of all unexpected flu deaths were tied to heart disease, researchers found. Full story

Smoking bans cut heart attacks by a third  |    Video
Swine flu
Test aims to detect flu before symptoms
HealthBeat Early Flu Tests

Duke University researchers are developing a test to determine — with a mere drop of blood — who will get influenza before the sniffling and fever set in. Full story

Studies: Kids under 10 will need 2 swine flu shots

Kids and parenting
Chic parents now seek ethnic nannies

Strollers that cost $800 used to be a big status symbol. Now there's another kind of capital: nannies. Story  |  Poll

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Men's health

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World’s tallest man: ‘I’ve had difficult life’

Turk Sultan Kosen, 27,  says he is ''proud and happy'' at being named the new Guinness record holder for tallest man, and human, in the world.  “Up until now, I’ve really had a difficult life,” said the 8-foot-1-inch man, whose height was caused by a pituitary condition. “From now, I’m really going to have it a lot easier.”

Sexual health

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