February 19, 2010
If her daughter were getting married, I would think Anna Kendrick had chosen reasonably wisely here.


However, in order to have a daughter of marriage age, Kendrick would've had to have given birth at age six. So even though this is very presentable, and clean, and chaste, it is all of those things in a much more mature way than I think is warranted here. And in a REALLY bizarre way it reminds me of all those times I'd have to go to Church when I was younger, and I'd have to fight to keep awake during the sermons, at which point I would focus on the fact that my oldest sister had pistachios secreted in the lining of her coat and had mastered the art of cracking them with one hand, without looking, and then snacking on them in the pew. I'm not sure why -- maybe it screams Easter Mass. I don't know. It makes me wonder if she got Meryl Streep's cast-offs.

And then there's Sandy:
I am really sad I didn't get to go to Proenza Schouler this year, because look who was there!


Also, I love Proenza but whatever: THE SEV. Wearing...a dress/shirt that I thought had a bow tie built in, but I now see it merely boasts just a SUGGESTION of bow tie, to go with its suggestion of being a tuxedo shirt/dress. I must confess, that realization makes me like this better. But I've already been typing this, and ergo, I will put it to a poll. Also, it's honestly probably for the best that I'm not in the same room as the Sev. I have such conflicting emotions about her: she dresses crazy! But I kind of enjoy the crazy! And she's such a good actress! But remember that time she had the crazy Art Garfunkel hair? But that was kind of hilarious in retrospect. I am so confused. 

We've seen good ol' Drunkface around Fashion Week so much, we had figured maybe she was picking up some great style tips. 


But apparently, all she learned was that she needs to wear plastic jumpsuits, on the offchance someone decides to remake Charlie's Angels, Catwoman, or some bastard hybrid of the two in which a disembodied voice speaks to a group of women who wear latex at his bidding and dispense street justice. 
Well, this is it. The tents as we know them are no more.


The facade this year had quotes from models and designers and celebrities about the Bryant Park venue, and now it's empty, never to go up again. Fashion Week is moving to Lincoln Center, and we count ourselves lucky that we got to experience it this way before the change. Although they may just end up putting these tents up over there; still, the way everyone talks, it's more, "Goodbye, tents," than, "Goodbye, Bryant Park," so who knows.

The last show at these tents was Tommy Hilfiger, and the front row did not disappoint. Penn Badgley and Ashley Olsen each acted like the other was radioactive. Earlier we got to ogle Brooke Shields and Reshma Shetty at Naeem Khan -- where the music, by the way, was a fantastic mix of everything from "You Give Love A Bad Name" to Guns 'n' Roses -- and Veronica Webb gave an interview in sign language after Isaac Mizrahi. In all, a quiet but interesting last day in New York City, and we can only hope the new location becomes as iconic.

Also: The Olympics are AWESOME. We've been getting home at night in time to Tweet the hell out of the NBC coverage, and although we lost at least one follower in a bored huff, it's been really fun hanging out there with so many Fug Nation residents. Look for Jessica to recap the fashion stylings of the international skaters once we get our bearings back in L.A.

Of course, we still have a full day of fuggings ahead, so in the immortal words of Tim Gunn, carry on.
February 18, 2010
For a while there, you could get those iconic Risky Business Ray Bans again. 


Now you can buy them for your breasts as well.
So, we saw Teresa Palmer here drinking in a bunch of attention at a runway show at Fashion Week, to which she was the only actor-type that came, and thus, everyone made a big fuss over her. It was very clever, because you get a lot more attention than you otherwise would, and you can make a great case for getting free clothes for your premieres. We're glad for Teresa that she gets to do a little shopping the fun way.


However, she might want to keep looking. I'm pretty sure that not only is she wearing an actual saddlebag, which she has tied around her waist with the world's largest bow, but she is also sporting around her neck the junk from the back seat of the car owned by That Dude who takes his metal detector to the beach every day.
Heather and I were looking at this while watching the curling in between fashion shows.


And Heather was, all, "Honey, you're not Blake Lively," and I was all, "And nor is she Cher." And that sort of seems to say it all, no? But it does beg the question: is Blake Lively doing to turn into Cher? And if so, when? And if soon, can that happen before the next season of Gossip Girl starts? And if so, can we expect a warbly rendition of "If I Could Turn Back TiiiiIiiiIIIIIIIIIoooyymmme," perhaps whilst Cher-ena smacks Jenny Humphrey with three cans of tuna jammed in a tube sock? Because if so, I'll take it, Kylie, and THANK YOU.
My feelings mirror Lindsay's facial expression, I think.

[Photo: Splash News]

I am thinking, "Hmm, at least she's not blonde any more. But she's also not red. Her SHOES are red, and cute, but maybe not with this outfit. This is half of a cute dress, and half of what the witches wear in Macbeth On Ice. At least this is not leggings. Still, I'm sick of giving her passes just for not doing the worst she could do."

Lindsay is thinking, "Did I leave my Ronson family voodoo shrine burning?"

Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure Lily Allen did not wake up this morning and say to herself, "I'm feeling really Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith today. I KNOW JUST THE THING!"


And yet that is surely the only explanation for this.
Without being 100 percent sure, I am fairly confident I have never before said on this blog what is about to pour forth from my fingers: I love Maggie Gyllenhaal's hair.


How FANTASTIC does that bob look? It's smooth, it's stylish, it frames her face... usually this girl's hair is a crow's nest of deviant strands. But that is PERFECT. Now if only she could pair it with a better dress. The Gyllenhair deserves better than a limp frock that says, "Come inside and have your oatmeal with Pa on the lanai while I boil some water for your bath." 


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