seo links

In early December 2011 I wrote a quick-and-dirty guide to modern-day link baiting. In case you missed it, here’s a snapshot:

  1. Infographics – perhaps one of the most popular forms of link bait, inforgraphics turn complex data into meaningful stories using graphics.
  2. Egobait – the concept behind this form of link bait is simple…appeal to someone’s ego. Think  Ad Age’s Power 150.
  3. Interviews – doing interviews with other bloggers and you’re going to get links, traffic and a growing audience.
  4. Micro sites – creating a micro site around an idea can go viral like The University of Victoria’s The Anything Project.
  5. Drawings – a good drawing can go viral and attract links and traffic to your site. Hugh MacLeod and FAKE GRIMLOCK are good examples.
  6. Videos – Jib Jab’s Elf Yourself or Rhett and Link’s FAIL Caption videos went viral, attracting links and driving traffic.
  7. Quizzes – Mingle’s The Blog Verbosity Test and The Moon Survival Challenge spread across the web as people shared and linked to each.
  8. Stories – If all else fails, then you can simply fall back on an old-time favorite…the story.

Now that you are up to speed on link bait, let’s look at ten more ways you can build links to your site…giving a jolt your linking building campaign. [click to continue…]


seo board

If you’ve been around the SEO world for any amount of time, then you are probably pretty familiar with the basics of SEO. You know to do good keyword research and you have to do on-page optimization.

Sometimes, though, that on-page optimization can go to a deeper level than just making sure your meta tags are filled out… and you can go to that deeper level without having to be a veteran SEO.

Here’s how: [click to continue…]


i love blogs

According to Seth Godin, the secret of marketing is: the first ten.

So who are the ten? These are your early customers, the ten people who will listen, read or buy whatever you are selling.

If they don’t love it, you need a new product. Which means you will have to start over. But if they love it, your idea will spread. Your business will grow… probably not as fast as you want, but faster than you could ever imagine.

So now that you understand the concept of “10″, here is how you can apply it to blogging: [click to continue…]


In a recent report out of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, researchers found that social media use among Fortune 500 companies has slowed down.

Why is that?

fortune 500 blogging

The researchers think that the larger companies don’t put as much emphasis on direct communication with customers. In other words, they ignore the participation side of marketing.

That’s a huge mistake. Whether they bless it or not, conversation about their companies will continue.

However, for those companies in the Fortune 500 who do use social media like blogging… they seem to be doing it right… especially the following four.

Let’s look at these corporations to see what they do to create popular and engaging blogs and how you can leverage their success for your blog. [click to continue…]


web traffic seo

When most people talk about search engine optimization they make it sound like you just need to do a little keyword research and get some links coming to your site… and boom… you have traffic.

But having a great search engine optimization strategy goes beyond the basics… it actually starts from the very beginning.

While there is a lot of advice out there, most of it misses some, if not all, of the steps I’m going to share with you. [click to continue…]


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