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Agency Summary - Department of Labor

Department of Labor

Financial Status

Weekly Progress
Source: Agency Financial and Activity Report
as of 2009-09-16*

Financial and Activity Report

Report Date: 2009-09-11View History

 Financial Status:
  • Total Available: $31,341,156,785
  • Total Paid Out: $22,982,867,410
 Major Actions Taken to Date:
  • Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
  • As of September 11, $2.6 billion has been distributed to a total of 32 states for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Modernization incentive payments.
  • Colorado was approved for its share of the $7 billion Unemployment Insurance (UI) Modernization special distribution. ETA notified the Department of Treasury to transfer UI Modernization funds of about $42.5 million into the Colorado State Account.
  • West Virginia was approved for its share of the $7 billion Unemployment Insurance (UI) Modernization special distribution. ETA notified the Department of Treasury to transfer the UI Modernization funds of about $11.1 million into the West Virginia State Account.
  • New Mexico triggered "on" to Extended Benefits based on its Total Unemployment Rate. Beginning September 6, eligible claimants will be able to collect up to an additional 13 weeks of benefits.
  • Idaho triggered "on" to a High Unemployment Period within the Extended Benefits program. Beginning September 6, eligible claimants will be able to collect up to an additional 20 weeks of benefits.
  • ETA released Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No.3-09 which provides information and guidance on the two new Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) targeted groups introduced by the Recovery Act, unemployed veterans and disconnected youth, on September 1. ETA held two webinars for State Workforce Agencies (on September 8 and 11) and one employer-focused webinar (on September 8) on the new WOTC targeted groups and the requirements outlined in the TEGL.
  • ETA continues to process more than 1,600 petitions submitted since the 2009 Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) amendments mandated in the Recovery Act took effect on May 18, 2009, that remain to be determined. Over 760 determinations have been made on cases filed under the new law.
  • Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)
  • EBSA continues to respond to hundreds of COBRA inquiries on a daily basis. There have been almost 128,500 since the enactment of the ARRA.
  • EBSA now has over 40,500 subscribers to who will receive automatic notices of new or updated COBRA announcements with over 1,660,000 total visitors since enactment of the ARRA.
  • EBSA continues to receive applications for expedited review of COBRA premium subsidy denials bringing the cumulative total to 8,942.
 Major Planned Actions:
  • ETA will convene a two-day Recovery and Reemployment Research Conference scheduled for September 15-16, 2009 in Washington, DC. ETA Training and Employment Notice No. 6-09 announced the conference.
  • Summer Youth Employment Program site visits, monitoring and technical assistance efforts conducted by ETA Regional Office representatives are ongoing through the end of September 2009.
  • ETA continues to finalize the release of several Recovery Act-related Advisories: Training and Employment Notice on Intent to Change Reporting Requirements for the Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data; TEGL on Implementing the Revised 2010 Trade Adjustment Assistance Trade Activity Participant Report (TAPR); TEGL on the Use of Health Coverage Tax Credit Funds Made Available by the Recovery Act; TEGL No. 22-08, Change 1, on the Trade Adjustment Assistance Operating Instructions, including a series of Questions and Answers; and TEGL No. 1-09, Change 1, Reporting Requirements under Section 1512 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
  • On September 8, DOL announced a $1,096,423 National Emergency Grant (NEG) to assist approximately 178 workers affected by layoffs at Alcoa North American Rolled Products in Bettendorf, Iowa, and John Deere Davenport Works in Davenport, Iowa. This grant will be funded by resources made available for NEGs under the Recovery Act.

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*Note: Effective May 21st, a Department of Labor accounting adjustment was made to reflect an $8.9 billion dollar reduction from the previously reported outlays (i.e.: paid out).