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State of Hawaii Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

A Message from Governor Lingle

Welcome to the State of Hawai‘i’s HI-Way to Recovery website, dedicated to providing residents and businesses with a clear understanding of how federal stimulus funds will be used. Hawai‘i is well positioned to take maximum advantage of the federal stimulus package and create jobs for our residents.

Passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) earlier this year has been beneficial for the State of Hawai`i. The federal funding comes at a time when our state is coping with the most severe economic and fiscal downturn since becoming a state. The ARRA economic stimulus funds have made it possible to fill funding gaps in State programs, repair and renovate state facilities, and protect those vulnerable populations hurt most by the economic downturn.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is being administered by our nation’s governors, who will be held accountable for how the funds are spent. Our commitment is to maximize these dollars over the next two fiscal years in order to help our states and our nation in the short- and long-term.

My entire Cabinet understands the importance of spending the funds wisely and avoiding waste or misuse.  Each cabinet director has an active part in receiving and overseeing those funds that impact programs within their respective departments. We participate in the many webcasts and conference calls arranged by federal officials that provide guidance on the administration of the stimulus funds.

Fortunately, Hawai‘i is ahead of many other states because of our focus on key initiatives like clean energy, broadband communications and infrastructure improvements. We have also been working closely with Senator Inouye and his staff and the counties to determine the most effective way for funds from the federal stimulus to flow to Hawai‘i.

ARRA funds flowing to Hawai`i are targeted for a number of areas, with the larger amounts in the following categories:

• Health Care.

• Education.

• Housing.

• Transportation.

• Employment.

• Energy.

• Social Services and Law Enforcement.

The goal of this website is to ensure transparency and accountability so that you know how your hard-earned money is being spent to stimulate Hawai‘i’s economy and create jobs. Please visit this website often for the latest information regarding funding received and new projects as they are announced.

     Governor Linda Lingle


Funds Received


The State is releasing information on all of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds that has been awarded to the State government. Included in the list are funds received by all State executive agencies, the Judiciary, DOE, and UH. It does not include funds that may have gone directly to county governments, federal agencies, other entities, and individuals. Currently the table includes the name of the grant, the award amount, the agency receiving the award, and the contact person in the agency. The table will be expanded in the future to provide additional information.


View ARRA Funds Received

View Estimates of Job Creation from the ARRA


Overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)

The Recovery Act signed into law by President Obama on February 17th, 2009 includes measures to modernize our nation's infrastructure, enhance energy independence, expand educational opportunities, preserve and improve affordable health care, provide tax relief, and protect those in greatest need.


Implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)

 The purpose of the AARA is to quickly move money into Hawai`i's economy, create and save jobs, as well as make critical investments in key areas such as energy infrastructure and efficiency measures, broadband communications, basic infrastructure like roads and airports and education. When made correctly, these investments will help stabilize Hawai`i's economy and assist our efforts to transform our state's economy to one based on human skills, creativity and the capacity to innovate.

A combined effort including members of Governor Lingle's cabinet, Senator Daniel K. Inouye's office, legislative leaders, representatives from state and county agencies and officials from the Department of Education and the University of Hawai`i are working to ensure these funds are used carefully and appropriately.  

The federal government has promised an unprecedented level of transparency and scrutiny. As a state, we will need to account for every dollar spent and be able to explain to the taxpayer how we used their hard-earned money.  To read more about the assurances the State of Hawai`i - through Governor Linda Lingle - must provide to the Federal government, visit the Accountability webpage.



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