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Agency Summary - Department of Justice

Department of Justice

Financial Status

Weekly Progress
Source: Agency Financial and Activity Report
as of 2009-09-16

Financial and Activity Report

Report Date: 2009-09-11View History

 Financial Status:
  • Total Available: $3,925,675,228
  • Total Paid Out: $1,112,847,405
 Major Actions Taken to Date:
  • Office of Justice Programs (OJP) 15_0402:
    1. DOJ hosted a webinar on recipient reporting. We had 1,200 sites on line. After the presentation, program staff from COPS and OJP did a live Q&A session for 45 minutes. All the materials are posted at:
    2. On 9/8/09 OJP hosted a Q&A teleconference on recipient reporting with the Bureau of Justice Assistance State Administrating Agencies and officials from OMB and BJA. The teleconference was very well attended and even included a representative from American Samoa.
    3. Awards:
    * Two Law Enforcement Technology Research and Development awards
    * 27 Byrne Competitive awards
    4. On 9/8/09 OJP hosted a Q&A teleconference on recipient reporting with the Bureau of Justice Assistance State Administrating Agencies and officials from OMB and BJA. The teleconference was very well attended and even included a representative from American Samoa.
  • Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) 15_0411:

    1. OVW is completing the processing of RA awards.
    2. OVW participated in a webinar for OJP, COPS, and OVW ARRA grantees on Recovery Act Reporting Requirements.
    3. OMB Notification was sent for State Coalitions - Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (last of OVW ARRA State Coalition awards)
    4. OVW is working with staff and ARRA funding recipients to answer questions about reporting requirements.
  • Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) 15_0412:
    COPS Acting Director Dave Buchanan spoke to the National Native American Law Enforcement Association regarding the distribution of CHRP funding to tribal governments.
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) 15_0699:
    No major completed actions to report
 Major Planned Actions:
  • Office of Justice Programs (OJP) 15_0402:
    OJP will continue to process awards.
  • Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) 15_0411:
    OVW will announce 33 Transitional Housing Awards, 6 Tribal Government awards, and 10 State Coalition awards on September 16-17.
  • Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) 15_0412:
    1. COPS staff will meet with the Mayor of Citrus Heights, California to review the CHRP solicitation and grant selection process as well as additional grant opportunities.
    2. COPS staff will brief the U.S. Attorneys' Law Enforcement Community Coordinators next week during their national training meeting on the distribution of COPS Recovery Act funding.
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) 15_0699:
    No major planned actions to report.

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