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Building MI Future: Michigan's Recovery and Reinvestment Web site
Welcome to Michigan's online source for information about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act). The Recovery Act, signed into law by President Barack Obama on February 17, 2009, represents the largest federal investment increase in America's roads, bridges and mass transit in 50 years. It also provides the most significant expansion in tax cuts for low and moderate income households ever. This aggressive economic recovery plan is designed to jumpstart our economy, create jobs, and help Americans struggling to provide for their families.
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Recovery Act Funds Upgrade of Federal Fleet with Purchase of 15,949 Vehicles from American Auto Companies

In March, the Obama administration directed the General Services Administration (GSA) to accelerate its purchase of cars for the government fleet by investing funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in new vehicles produced by American auto companies.  To date, GSA has used Recovery Act funds to purchase 15,949 new, fuel-efficient cars from Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors - an investment designed to support the auto industry, stimulate the economy, and achieve national energy-efficiency goals. 

Each vehicle purchased under the GSA's accelerated strategy must have a higher miles-per-gallon rating than the vehicle it replaces, with the overall goal of at least a 10 percent increase in fuel-efficiency for the entire procurement.   Purchases include:

  • 2,924 vehicles from Chrysler
  • 6,185 vehicles from General Motors
  • 6,840 vehicles from Ford  

The GSA moved faster than at any time in its history to launch the administration's aggressive plan to upgrade the federal fleet.  The full report of federal contracts made possible by the Recovery Act can be viewed at Home | Contact Recovery Office | Site Map | State Web Sites
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