Window on State Government - Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Transparency and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

At both the state and federal levels, transparency and accountability are critical parts of the Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Comptroller's office will continue to expand this Web page to provide information on this effort.

What the Comptroller's Office Is Tracking

To the extent possible, the Comptroller's office will track the stimulus dollars coming through the state treasury for use by Texas state agencies.

The Comptroller's office is working closely with state agencies to identify stimulus dollars received and ensure expenses are properly coded for tracking. Our office plans to provide a window into these expenses as details become available.

For state expenditures that are not related to stimulus dollars use our Where the Money Goes online search tools.

What is Not Tracked by the Comptroller's Office

Federal stimulus dollars provided straight to Texas local governments, businesses and other entities cannot be tracked by the Comptroller's office because they are outside the state treasury and the fiscal monitoring arm of this office. However, all recipients of federal stimulus dollars must meet federal reporting requirements.

Flow of Federal Stimulus Dollars

Across the U.S., the $787 billion in federal stimulus money goes directly to individuals as tax cuts or increased benefits, to businesses via contracts, to nonprofits in grants and to other public entities as grants or loans. In Texas, less than 2 percent of the $787 billion — an estimated $14.4 billion — flows through the State Treasury to state agencies.

Flowchart of federal stimulus dollars