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Reports, Filings and Notices

Federal Register Notice: Online Safety and Technology Working Group Meeting: Notice to announce the first public meeting of the Online Safety and Technology Working Group (OSTWG).
May 21, 2009

Federal Register Notice: Low-Power Television and Translator Upgrade Program: notice to provide the guidelines for the Low-Power Television and Translator Upgrade Program (Upgrade Program) and to announce the availability of approximately $44 million for awards under this program.
May 12, 2009

Federal Register Notice: Call for Applications for Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee: NTIA is seeking applications from persons interested in serving on the Department of Commerce’s Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC) for new two-year terms.
May 6, 2009

Federal Register Notice: Assessment of the Transition of the Technical Coordination and Management of the Internet’s Domain Name and Addressing System: NTIA seeks comment regarding the upcoming expiration of the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). NOTE: Contact Information Correction: The correct telephone number to contact Suzanne R. Sene, Office of International Affairs, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, is (202) 482-3167. (Acrobat PDF 23 Kb)
April 24, 2009

Federal Register Notice: Notice of Availability of a Final Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program: NTIA published the Final FONSI to evaluate the environmental impact of the Public Safety Interoperable Communications Grant Program. (Acrobat PDF 47 Kb)
April 24, 2009

Report: 1710-1755 MHz Spectrum Band Relocation: NTIA has released the Second Annual Progress Report on the Relocation of Federal Systems from the 1710-1755 MHz Spectrum Band, which details progress from the commencement of relocation activity in March 2007 through December 2008. This is the first federal spectrum band selected for relocation pursuant to the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. (PDF 183 Kb)
Posted April 21, 2009

Federal Register Notice: Low Power Upgrade Program Withdrawal: NTIA withdraws the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking soliciting comments on the implementation of the Low-Power Television and Translator Upgrade Program. (Acrobat PDF 42 Kb)
Posted April 20, 2009

Federal Register Notice: Joint Broadband Technology Opportunities Program Request for Information: Pursuant to Section 6001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Commerce's NTIA and Agriculture's RUS will hold a series of public meetings about the new broadband programs beginning on March 16, 2009. Through this notice, guidance is provided as to the matters to be discussed at these public meetings and the categories of information with respect to which interested parties may submit comments. (Acrobat PDF 48 Kb)
Comment form
Updated March 10, 2009

Federal Register Notice: NTIA has extended the solicitation period for applications for the Public Telecommunications Facilities Program (PTFP) replacement digital television translator projects. NTIA will accept applications for these projects until Monday, May 18, 2009.(Acrobat PDF, 58 Kb)
Posted January 30, 2009

Federal Register Notice: NTIA has amended the system of records regarding the DTV Converter Box Coupon Program to allow for the collection of additional personally identifiable information, namely the name of nursing home facilities. (Acrobat PDF, 58 Kb)
Posted January 14, 2009

Online Documents from the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences

Spectrum Engineering Reports

Grant Evaluation Reports

FED-STD-1037C: Glossary of Telecommunication Terms

Ordering info for Spectrum Wall Chart

Spectrum Manual (Redbook)


Archive of Reports and Filings 2007 - 2008

Archive of Reports and Filings 2006

Archive of Reports and Filings 2005

Archive of Reports and Filings 2004

Archive of Reports 2000 - 2003

Archive of Reports prior to 2000

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
For NTIA's efforts, visit NTIA: Recovery Act.
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