BizJournals Portfolio

Google Hack Tied to Chinese Schools

One school is backed by Chinese military, while the other features one of the country's top-rated computer programs.  Read More
Feb 19 201011:00am EST

Journalists Don't Want to Hear from Tiger

Upset over not being able to question Tiger Woods in his first appearance since the Thanksgiving crash that led to revelations of infideli … Read More
Feb 19 201009:48am EST

U.S. Warning for Glaxo's Advair Has Investors Bailing

Asthma inhaler is British drug maker's best-selling product. After years of debate over safety, Glaxo says there's no proof the product ca … Read More
Feb 19 201008:44am EST
Interactive Features


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Vancouver Olympics

Women at Work

Halfpipe snowboarder Gretchen Bleiler decided to sign with an agent who focuses on the business behind women's sports. Multiple sponsorship deals later, Bleiler is golden. Read More

'Criminal' Crash

Years of fighting with the IRS and frustration over corporate profits and the bailout may have led an Austin man to crash a plane into a local agency office.
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Companies & Executives

Love Lost

The once-friendly Microsoft and Amazon are now more like frenemies as they fight to acquire more of the same customers and markets. Read More

Toyota Boss to Testify Before Congress

Faced with the worst public relations crisis in his company's history, Toyota's boss chooses to take his medicine from a Congressional committee. Read More

Congrats, Seth

Moments after Seth Wescott won his second gold medal in men's snowboardcross, Visa aired a congratulations spot, a tack it first took with Michael Phelps in 2006 to great success. Read More

McQueen's Legacy Lives On

One week after designer Alexander McQueen committed suicide, his label’s parent company confirms his business will continue and will show during Paris Fashion Week.  Read More

Great Global Business Adventure

How do you keep your business and social online persona separate, and should you even try?

Now on her second-startup, an entrepreneur heeds lessons learned from her first venture.

To win in the global race, don't get distracted by competitive noise and focus on your clients.

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Value-Added Proposition

Return on investment is paramount to clients. And for sales professionals, quantifying just how fast clients' money can bring in more business is the key to survival. Read More