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Austin, Texas
  9/21/09 - 9:00 am CDT

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   9/29/09 - 10:00 am

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Prepared Remarks of Commissioner Clyburn, "Broadband Adoption: Traveling the Consumer's Last Mile", before The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski Outlines Actions to Preserve the Free and Open Internet.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Remarks: Acrobat

Statement of Commissioner Copps on the Announcement by Chairman Genachowski of his Intent to Launch an Internet Freedom Proceeding.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Joint Statement of Commissioners McDowell and Baker on Chairman Genachowski's Speech on Net Neutrality.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Clyburn Applauds Chairman Genachowski's Statement on Net Neutrality.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Comment Sought on Broadband Accessibility for People With Disabilities.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Workshop on Ten-Digit Numbering and E911 Requirements for VRS and IP Relay to be Held on September 25, 2009.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Baker to Hold Media Availability at University of Texas Distance Learning Site.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner McDowell Announces Staff Change.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner McDowell Applauds NAB on Naming Gordon Smith as President and CEO.
Word | Acrobat

Testimony Before the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet, Hearing on "Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission".
Genachowski Statement: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Acrobat
Clyburn Statement: Acrobat
Baker Statement: Acrobat

No Truth to Rumor that Cell Phone Numbers Will Be Made Available to Telemarketers.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Initial Broadband Field Hearings.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Supports "National Lifeline and Link Up Telephone Discount Awareness Week" - September 14 - 20, 2009.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Broadband Workshops on Health Care, Content and Spectrum for Week of September 14.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Continues E-Government Push With Crowd-Sourcing Launch.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski Posts First Online Video Blog.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commission Revises Applicable Ex Parte Procedures for Wireless Innovation and Investment Notice of Inquiry (FCC 09-66) and Extends Comment and Reply Comment Deadlines.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
News Release (8/27/09): Word | Acrobat
NOI (8/27/09): Word | Acrobat

Commission Extends Comment and Reply Comment Deadlines for Mobile Wireless Competition Notice of Inquiry (FCC 09-67).
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
News Release (8/27/09): Word | Acrobat
NOI (8/27/09): Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Tentative Agenda for September 29th Open Meeting.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski Announces Enforcement Bureau Chief.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski Releases Report on Commission's Preparedness for a Major Public Emergency.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Report: Acrobat
Genachowski Statement: Word | Acrobat
Barnett Remarks: Word | Acrobat

Report on Informal Consumer Complaints Regarding Access to Telecommunications for People with Disabilities.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

First Quarterly Report on Inquiries and Complaints.
News Release: Acrobat

Commissioner Copps Announces Staff Changes.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Comment Sought on the Implementation of Smart Grid Technology.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Commission Seeks Comment on Teleworking.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Consumer Issues Focus of National Broadband Plan Staff Workshop for September 9.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Reminder That All New, Nonexempt Spanish Language Video Programming Must Be Closed Captioned Beginning January 1, 2010; Captioning Requirements For Pre-Rule Programming Will Increase As of January 1, 2012.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Reminder Regarding Video Programming Distributors' Obligation to Make Emergency Information Accessible to Persons with Hearing or Vision Disabilities.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FY 2009 Regulatory Fees For Submarine Cable Systems.
Public Notice: Acrobat

Payment Methods and Procedures For Fiscal Year 2009 Regulatory Fees.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

The Commission Welcomes Responses to Staff Workshops.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announce Special Procedures to Assist Licensees in Areas Impacted by California Wildfires.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Media Bureau Announces Procedures to Assist Television and Radio Broadcast Stations in Areas Impacted by California Wildfires.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Requests Additional Nominations by September 30, 2009 for Membership on the Technological Advisory Council.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Commission Implements Child Safe Viewing Act by Adopting Report on Parental Control Technologies.
Report: Word | Acrobat
Genachowski Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat
Clyburn Statement: Word | Acrobat
Baker Statement: Word | Acrobat

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last reviewed/updated on September 21, 2009  

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