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Alliance for Construction Excellence

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American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Training Series

Accurate and timely action by contractors, subcontractors and public entities is critical for the implementation of ARRA funded projects.  The Federal government expects full compliance and is taking significant monitoring steps. Gain insight into these Federally mandated requirements and ensure your organization is positioned to implement the ARRA funding by attending ACE’s online ARRA training and review program.


In-Person Courses:

***Mark your Calendars and Reserve your Seats ***

August 25 & 26 - Construction Manager at Risk Training

Register Today

Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) is a form of project delivery that minimizes the risk for all parties. From the beginning the experience, wisdom, creativity and skill of the AE and CMAR firms are combined at the table with the Client's understanding of the requirements. Together they command the classic tripod of functional requirements, design and construction. Attend this highly requested training - Register Today.

For descriptions on all courses offered by ACE, click on the banner below. For more information, please contact the ACE office at 480-965-4246.
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We offer CEU's (Continuing Education Units), CLE (Continuing Legal Education) and AIA/CES (American Institute of Architects/Continuing Education System) credits.
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