United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

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2009 Summer Sports Clinic

Recently-injured Veterans will learn how to surf, kayak, sail and enjoy other summer sports at the second annual National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic September 20 - 25 in San Diego, CA. The clinic introduces recently-injured Veterans to adaptive sports to renew their self confidence through sports activities. Participation is open to military Veterans who are eligible for VA medical care and who have orthopedic amputations, traumatic brain injuries, burn injuries, psychological trauma, certain neurological conditions, visual impairment, spinal cord injuries and other injuries.

The Red Sox Foundation and MGH initiative

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki joined The Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) to launch a new initiative to help returning OEF/OIF Veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and traumatic brain injuries and their families.

"The coordination of the Department of Veterans Affairs' programs with those of other departments and agencies, philanthropic and volunteer organizations, and with world class foundations and volunteer groups, is critically important," Secretary Shinseki said. "When those efforts include distinguished institutions such as The Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital, Veterans win."

"The hidden wounds of war are being addressed vigorously and comprehensively by VA" Shinseki said "Our ability to increase mental health capacity to serve combat Veterans continues to be a top priority."

For more information on the new initiative, read press release.

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September is National Preparedness Month

September 2009 marks the sixth annual National Preparedness month. You can prepare for emergencies by taking simple steps such as organizing an emergency supply kit, developing and practicing a personal preparedness plan, becoming informed about different threats, and getting involved in preparing your community. Plan now to ensure the well-being of your family and community. For more information, see Ready.gov.

The American Veteran video The American Veteran » Monthly video magazine featuring important veterans issues.
VA News video VA News » Weekly video featuring news and information about the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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