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Unfortunately I believe that we are limited in what we can focus on. I think that if we proceed with the partisan sideshow of prosecuting Bush admin. officials, healthcare will get lost in the brouhaha.
— Posted by denamom, Obama's Quandary...

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Additional Documents Released by DOJ

POSTED: 06:29 PM ET, 08/25/2009 by

The Department of Justice late Monday released thousands of pages of additional documents related to the CIA's detention and interrogation program, including correspondence involving senior Bush administration lawyers, Justice Department memoranda, and other documents. One example: the PDF file titled New Amnesty v. CIA includes, at pages 25 - 43, a step-by-step summary of how detention and interrogation procedures were employed. We invite your scrutiny of these records and your comments.

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Latest Documents Released by DOJ

POSTED: 05:40 PM ET, 08/25/2009 by

OLC Letter to John Rizzo (PDF) (July 13, 2002)

OLC Memo for Michael Chertoff on Patriot Act (PDF) (Aug. 6, 2002)

OLC Memo on Use of Military Force in Iraq (PDF) (Oct. 21, 2002)

OLC Memo to Inspector General on FBI Bulletins (PDF) (April 5, 2004)

OLC Letter to Scott Muller on IG Report (PDF) (May 27, 2004)

OLC Letter to Scott Muller on Interrogation Techniques (PDF) (July 7, 2004)

Attorney General Letter to John Mclaughlin on Interrogation Techniques (PDF) (July 22, 2004)

OLC Letter to John Rizzo on Waterboarding (PDF) (Aug. 6, 2004)

OLC Letter to John Rizzo on Specific Interrogation Techniques (PDF) (Aug. 26, 2004)

OLC Letter to John Rizzo on Specific Interrogation Techniques (PDF) (Sept. 6, 2004)

OLC Letter to John Rizzo on Specific Interrogation Techniques (PDF) (Sept. 20, 2004)

OLC Memo to John Rizzo on Detainee Treatment Act (PDF) (Aug. 31, 2006)

OLC Letter to John Rizzo on Conditions of Confinement (PDF) (Aug, 31, 2006)

OLC Letter to John Rizzo on War Crimes Act (PDF) (July 7, 2007)

OLC Memo by Steven Bradbury (PDF) (Aug. 23, 2007)

OLC Memo by Steven Bradbury (PDF) (Nov. 6, 2007)

OLC Memo by Steven Bradbury (PDF) (Nov. 7, 2007)

Memo by Barron on OLC Opinion (PDF) (June 11, 2009)

Memo by Barron on OLC Opinion (PDF) (April 15, 2009)

OLC Letter to John Helgerson (PDF) (June 14, 2004)

Dept. of Defense and Inspector General Questionnaire Regarding Detainees (PDF)

ACLU vs. Dept. of Defense, Criminal Division (PDF)

Bronte v. Dept. of Defense (PDF)

CIA, Inspector General Release (PDF)

Rayner Document (PDF) (Aug. 24, 2009)

ACLU vs. CIA Discretionary, Combined(PDF)

ACLU v. Dept. of Defense, OLC Combined(PDF)

Amnesty v. CIA (see p. 25-44) (PDF)

Amnesty v. State (PDF)

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Is Vagueness a Crime? And Other Reactions to CIA Reports

POSTED: 01:27 PM ET, 08/25/2009 by Liz Heron

The Justice Department released a raft of documents yesterday related to the Bush-era CIA's interrogation program as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced that he had asked a prosecutor to investigate possible abuses by the agency interrogators. At the same time, the White House announced steps to form a new interrogation unit under the aegis of FBI.

In addition, the ACLU received several other documents late yesterday as a response to its Freedom of Information suit: Office of Legal Counsel Documents and Memos from 2002-2005 and 2006-2007.

Here are a few reactions from the blogosphere to the documents and Obama administration's actions.

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Guide to Acronyms in Interrogation Documents

POSTED: 06:54 PM ET, 08/24/2009 by Liz Heron

The newly declassified documents on U.S. interrogation techniques are dotted with government acronyms. Here is a guide for those not in the know.

  • SERE -- Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape: U.S. military program that trains pilots and others to resist hostile questioning.
  • EITs - Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
  • OTS - Office of Technology Services (CIA)
  • OMS - Office of Medical Services (CIA)
  • OGC -Office of General Counsel (CIA)
  • DCI - Director of Central Intelligence
  • OIG - Office of Inspector General (CIA)
  • HIG -- High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group

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Former IG: Gov't Should Have Released Recommendations

POSTED: 05:35 PM ET, 08/24/2009 by Liz Heron

Former CIA Inspector General John Helgerson, who served from 2002 to early 2009 and supervised the 2004 report on interrogation techniques, sent The Post a statement:

August 24, 2009

Statement by John L. Helgerson

The CIA Inspector General's report of May 2004 issued publicly today is a comprehensive review of the Agency's detention and interrogation activities for the two years following 9/11. The report analyzed actions taken by Agency officers before the formal detention and interrogation program was established, actions taken within the program once it had been put in place, and certain actions taken outside the approved program.

The most important findings of the review related to basic systemic issues: had management controls been established; were necessary laws, regulations and guidelines in place and understood; had staff officers and contractors been adequately trained; and had they discharged their responsibilities properly?

The essence of the report is expressed in the Conclusions and Recommendations. I am disappointed that the Government did not release even a redacted version of the Recommendations, which described a number of corrective actions that needed to be taken.

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Dig Through Interrogation Reports

POSTED: 03:08 PM ET, 08/24/2009 by Liz Heron

Updated 8/25, 7:30 a.m.

Annotate the Documents: On Monday, the Department of Justice released additional portions of a long-classified CIA inspector general's report on the agency's interrogation program, along with two other documents that former Vice President Dick Cheney claims will prove the CIA's harsh interrogation tactics worked.

In the coming days, Washington Post reporters will be combing through the documents for new revelations. Join us in identifying the most significant new details and anything that deserves further investigation, and tell us what you've found in the comments section below. Be sure to identify the page(s) to which you're referring, and include specific reasons why the data warrants a closer look. Here is a short guide to the acronyms used in the reports.

Detainee Reporting Pivotal for the War Against Al-Qaeda (PDF)

Khalid Shaykh Muhammad: Preeminent Source on Al-Qaeda (PDF)

Download CIA Inspector General Report (PDF)

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Senate Probes Banks for Meltdown Fraud; Earmarks of Committee Members Probing Murtha Questioned; Immigration Detention Centers Failed to Meet Standards

POSTED: 11:05 AM ET, 07/30/2009 by Sarah Fitzpatrick

Today's Daily Read powered by Publish2. See what else we're reading by subscribing to our GoogleReader feed, or following us on Twitter.

Senate Probes Banks for Meltdown Fraud Wall Street Journal
A Senate panel has subpoenaed financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Deutsche Bank AG, seeking evidence of fraud in last year's mortgage-market meltdown, according to people familiar with the situation.

Earmarks of Committee Members Probing Murtha Questioned Washington Post
Members of the House ethics committee, who are now investigating a pattern of lawmakers steering federal funds to generous defense contractors, are all set to have their pet military projects funded by the same committee whose activities they are probing.

Report: Immigration Detention Centers Failed to Meet Standards Los Angeles Times
The federal government routinely failed to follow its own standards regulating immigration detention centers across the country, denying detainees sufficient recreation time and adequate access to attorneys, legal materials and telephones, according to a new reportLos Angeles Times

Jury Prepares for Jefferson Corruption Case New York Times
A former Louisiana Democrat, Mr. Jefferson is accused of improperly seeking millions of dollars from various African business ventures, as well as seeking to bribe the vice president of Nigeria. In a 2005 raid, the F.B.I. found $90,000 neatly wrapped in aluminum foil in Mr. Jefferson's home freezer.

Tony Blair to be Called to Iraq War Inquiry Daily Telegraph
UK: Clinton Threatened to Cut-Off Intelligence-Sharing If Torture Evidence is Disclosed Salon
Pakistani is Ruled Fit for U.S. Trial in October NYT
Obama Administration Seeks More Time on Detainee Transfer AP
Rep. Pete Sessions' $1.5M Earmark Under Scrutiny Politico
No. 3 at Justice OK'd Reversal in Panther Voter Intimidation Case Washington Times
Emails Show Cozy Ties Between Federal Pension Guarantor And Wall Street Firms He Hired TPM
Judge Considers Release of Some Blagojevich Records ChiTrib
Employee: Military Health System was Unethical in Awarding Contract Nextgov
FTC Delays Launch of Controversial ID-Theft Program WSJ($)
Congress Told That File Sharing Leaks Sensitive Federal Data WaPo
Microsoft-Yahoo Expected to Draw Antitrust Scrutiny WSJ($)
Tax Evaders Flock to IRS Voluntary-Disclosure Program WSJ($)
Trustee Sues Ruth Madoff for Nearly 45 Million NYT
Worldwide Market Fuels Illegal Trafficking in Organs NYT
Company Accused of Falsifying Concrete Checks NYT
30 Arrested in U.S. Medicare Fraud Sweep AP

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Ex-Countrywide Executive Testifies on Senators' Mortgages; U.S. Citizens Wrongly Detained, Deported by ICE; Sharp Rise in Violent Crimes Cited Among Returning Veterans in Colo. Unit

POSTED: 10:38 AM ET, 07/28/2009 by Sarah Fitzpatrick

Today's Daily Read powered by Publish2. See what else we're reading by subscribing to our GoogleReader feed, or following us on Twitter.

Ex-Countrywide Executive Testifies on Senators' Mortgages Washington Post
The Senate ethics committee has interviewed a former Countrywide Financial executive who testified under oath that Sens. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) and Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) were aware that they were accessing a special program to give below-market-rate mortgages to the powerful and famous when he arranged their loans.

U.S. Citizens Wrongly Detained, Deported by ICE San Francisco Chronicle
As U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement increased its collaboration with state and local police and prisons under changes to immigration laws and policies in recent years, U.S. citizens have been wrongly detained and deported.

Sharp Rise in Violent Crimes Cited Among Returning Veterans in Colo. Unit Colorado Springs Gazette
Soldiers returning from Iraq after serving with a Fort Carson, Colo., combat brigade have exhibited an exceptionally high rate of criminal behavior in their home towns, carrying out a string of killings and other offenses that the ex-soldiers attribute to lax discipline and episodes of indiscriminate killing during their grueling deployment, according to a six-month investigation by the Colorado Springs Gazette.

Military Criticized in Report on Soldier Electrocuted in Iraq NYT
Blackwater Seeks Gag Order The Nation
Wronged Juveniles May Lose The Right to Sue NYT
Seven Face Terrorism Charges in N.C. WaPo
Va. Man's Sentence Increased to Life in Terror Plot WaPo
Panels Raise Concerns Over Pentagon's Strategic Communications WaPo
Under TARP, Banks Increase Lobbying Politico
Obama Refunds Campaign Donations Politico
Credit Card Firms Raise Fees Before Law Changes Boston Globe
Suspicious Letters Sent to N.J. Government Offices Fox
Program Aims to Curb Marine Suicides USAT
Dodd's Uneasy Dance With Drug Lobbyists NYT
Senator Urges Scrutiny of Ticketmaster Deal WaPo
SEC Moves to Limit Short Sales of Stocks WaPo
Foreclosures Are Often In Lenders' Best Interest WaPo
Study Finds Texting Lifts Crash Risk by Large Margin NYT
GAO: Weaknesses Threaten Electronic Records Archive Program Nextgov

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