Talking Health Reform with Loralee

Posted by Valerie Jarrett
One of the greatest honors I've had working with the President here has been being able to travel and be his ears and eyes, to listen to the stories of people from every kind of background, and have them tell me what they want out of their government.  One of my favorite people that I’ve met was Loralee - a mother, a blogger, a self-described moderate Republican, and somebody who has lived courageously through some of the most tragic elements of what's wrong with our health care system.
I just wanted to write my post here to encourage you to go read her post, and see a real example of how we can all benefit from real conversations where we try to see eye-to-eye rather than just trying to win an argument (you can also see my response to her here.)

Valerie Jarrett is Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement
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