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United States Patent and Trademark Office

An Agency Of The United States Department Of Commerce


National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Secretary Locke Joins President Obama in Announcing the 2008 National Medal of Technology and Innovation Laureates

Washington - U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke today joined President Barack Obama in announcing and congratulating the 2008 winners of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. The medal is the nation’s highest honor for technological and scientific achievement. President Obama will present the medals at a White House ceremony on October 7.

>> Click here for full Story

>> Click here for related announcement from the White House Press Office [PDF]

USPTO Headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia

       USPTO Headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia

USPTO Annual Independent Inventors Conference Set for November 5-6

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The USPTO’s headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia will be the site of the 14th annual Independent Inventors Conference on November 5-6. The two-day event will include a pre-conference for first time attendees on the evening of November 4.

The USPTO’s new director, David Kappos will deliver the keynote address on November 5. As always the conference will provide a wealth of information about patents, trademarks and intellectual property protection. Experts from the USPTO will conduct breakout sessions and be available for one on one meetings. There will also be lots of opportunity for attendees to network during breaks and at the opening night reception. The reception will be co-sponsored by the American Intellectual Property Law Association and the Intellectual Property Owners.

The conference is valuable for both novice and experienced inventors. Space is limited so register today. Click here for more information about speakers and the conference.

USPTO Director David Kappos at IPO Annual Meeting

USPTO Director David Kappos Delivers Opening Remarks at IPO Annual Meeting

USPTO Director David Kappos Delivers Opening Remarks at IPO Annual Meeting

On Monday, September 14, USPTO Director David Kappos gave his first major address since taking office last month. He delivered the opening remarks at the Annual Meeting of the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) in Chicago, Ill. In his remarks to an audience of more than 700 attendees, he addressed some of the early priorities and challenges for the USPTO under the Obama Administration.

>> Click here  for the full text of the speech.

USPTO Beta Version


>> USPTO Beta Version
The USPTO is pleased to announce the beta test release of its new Web site will remain open for an additional period of about six weeks. The new site has been redesigned to improve the look and feel, as well as to enhance the user experience with improved navigation. The USPTO’s goal is to make the Web site technologically up-to-date, user-friendly, and responsive to customer feedback.

>> Click here for full Story

USPTO Takes Another Step Closer to Full Electronic Patent Application Processing

e-Office Action provides faster, more efficient notification to patent applicant

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has announced the implementation of the e-Office Action program following a successful pilot project. Under the program, patent applicants receive an e-mail notification of office communications instead of paper mailings. Click here for more information.

Detailed Information about the Bilski Case

e-Office Action program

Patent Prosecution Highway

2008 Performance and Accountability Report

The National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Inspiring Invention TV Spot - Suction Tires

STOP Fakes

First-Action Interview Pilot Program

Final Rules on Claims and Continuations - Rules improving the efficiency and effectiveness of patent examination

Accelerated Examination (Patent Applications) Final Disposition within 12 months

Patents Peer Reviewed Prior Art Pilot

Strategic Plan 2007-2012

More News and Notices

USPTO Kids' Pages

Department Of Commerce