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Science - AAAS

25 September 2009
News of the Week

Keep Aiming for the Moon?

The US faces a difficult decision about its space program.

25 September 2009
Science Special Issue

Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Progress and prospects for pushing our CO2 problem underground

25 September 2009
Science Express

A Wetter Moon?

Space-based spectroscopy offers evidence of H20/OH on lunar surface

25 September 2009
Humanitarian Science Careers

Increasing the World's Food Supply

Scientists help increase and maintain supplies where food is scarce.

15 September 2009

Localizing Production of ROS at Invadapodia

Two Research Articles demonstrate the importance of reactive oxygen species for metastasis.

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News RSS

Picture of logo 29 September 2009 | ScienceInsider Scientists Decry "Flawed" and "Horrifying" Nationality Tests
Scientists are greeting with surprise and dismay a project to use DNA and isotope analysis of tissue from asylum seekers to evaluate their nationality.
Picture of snow 29 September 2009 | SCIENCENOW GPS: Got Plenty of Snow?
Scientists use global positioning systems to map snowfall.
Picture of logo 29 September 2009 | SCIENCEINSIDER Minister Accused of "Bullying" Science Council Over Palestine Conference
The suggestion that Canada's science minister threatened to punish one of the country's research funding councils over its support of a conference on Palestinian statehood has rekindled a heated debate.
Picture of USA 25 September 2009 | NEWS FOCUS Scoping Out Unseen Forces Shaping North America
As it sweeps across America, the USArray network of seismometers is revealing an impressive but often befuddling subsurface menagerie of slabs, drips, and plumes.

Science Careers RSS

Darfur refugees, Sudan (USAID) 25 September 2009 | Career Advice Special: Careers in Humanitarian Science
These scientists are applying their skills to relieve many of the world's ills, including food shortage, human rights violations, and epidemic outbreaks in developing countries (Photo: Refugees in Darfur, Sudan. Courtesy, USAID).
Lead image for 20090925 Career Focus on Europe. 25 September 2009 | The Job Market Public-Private Partnerships: A Recipe For Success?
The global financial crisis has beaten down science budgets everywhere. So it's no surprise that science-spending forecasts for Europe are grim. (A Science/AAAS Business Office feature.)
Leonardo Menchini 25 September 2009 | Career Profiles Serving Human Rights and Humanitarian Needs
Three passionate scientists describe their careers dealing with human rights and humanitarian issues.
Rebecca Nelson 25 September 2009 | Career Profiles Working to Increase the Food Supply in the Developing World
Three scientists work to increase and maintain the food supply in areas where food is scarce.

Science Translational MedicineRSS

Science Translational Medicine
  • Inaugural Issue

    Coming October 7 the new Science Translational Medicine journal will serve the community of scientists devoted to applying basic science to clinical problems.

Science Podcast

25 September 2009

carbon capture, human correspondence, linking nutrition to violence, and more.

Play the video slideshow
Science Webinar
29 September 2009

Understanding the Cell

The Science family of sites is published by the nonprofit AAAS, whose mission is to advance science and serve society worldwide. Find out more at


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