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EIA Conference 2009
Tuesday, April 7
  Welcome - Howard Gruenspecht
Acting Administrator, Energy Information Administration
  Keynote Address; The Energy Problem - Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy
  The Economics of an Integrated World Oil Market - William D. Nordhaus, Sterling Professor of Economics, Yale University
  Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World - John W. Rowe, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Exelon Corporation
  Concurrent Sessions
  1. The Future for Transport Demand 2. What's Ahead for Natural Gas Markets?

Andy Kydes (EIA)

Moderator: Steve Harvey (EIA)

Lew Fulton (International Energy Agency)

David Greene (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Lee Schipper (Precourt Institute, Stanford University)


Brian Jeffries (Wyoming Pipeline Authority)

James Simpson (BENTEK Energy, LLC)

Rick Smead (Navigant Consulting)

John Strom (Haddington Ventures, LLC)

Christine Tezak

  3. Meeting the Growing Demand for Liquids 4. Electric Power Infrastructure: Status and Challenges for the Future
  Moderator: Glen Sweetnam (EIA) Moderator: Scott Sitzer (EIA)


Eduardo González-Pier (PEMEX)

David Knapp (Energy Intelligence Group)

Fareed Mohamedi (PFC Energy)


P. Kumar Agarwal (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)

Timothy J. Brennan (University of Maryland)

Mark G. Lauby (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)

  5. Renewable Energy in the Transportation and Power Sectors 6. Financial Markets and Short-Term Energy Prices
  Moderator: Michael Schaal (EIA) Moderator: Tancred Lidderdale (EIA)


Denise Bode (American Wind Energy Association)

Bryan Hannegan (Electric Power Research Institute)

Matt Hartwig (Renewable Fuels Association)

David Humbird (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)


Jeffrey Harris (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)

Robert McCullough (McCullough Research)

Adam E. Sieminski (Deutsche Bank)

Robert Weiner (George Washington University)

Wednesday, April 8 - Concurrent Round Table Sessions
  7. Energy Data Needs 8. Energy and the Media
  Moderator: Margot Anderson (EIA) Moderator: John Anderson (Resources for the Future)


Jeff Genzer (Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer & Pembroke, P.C.)

Philip Hanser (Brattle Group)

Shirley Neff (Center for Strategic and International Studies)

Frank Rusco (U.S. Government Accountability Office)


Barbara Hagenbaugh (USA Today)

Steven Mufson (Washington Post)

Eric Pooley (Harvard University)

Robert Rapier (R-SQUARED Energy blog)

  9. Investing in Oil and Natural Gas - Opportunities and Barriers 10. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: What's Next?
  Moderator: Bruce Bawks (EIA) Moderator: Howard Gruenspecht (EIA)


Susan Farrell (PFC Energy)

John Felmy (American Petroleum Institute)

Michelle Foss (University of Texas)

Paul Sankey (Deutsche Bank)


Joe Aldy (Executive Office of the President)

Greg Dotson (House Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Joe Goffman (Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works)

Andrea Spring (House Committee on Energy and Commerce)