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NIOSH Publication No. 2007-131:

Ergonomic Guidelines for Manual Material Handling

April 2007


Employee Guidelines for Safer Lifting

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light bulb Avoid lifting from the floor whenever possible. If you must lift from the floor
do not bend at the waist. The techniques shown below help the worker to keep the
spine in a safer position while lifting from the floor.

keep spine in a safer position while lifting from the floor

                Keep the load close to your body and lift by pushing up with your legs.



exclamation point


Caution: This technique may be effective only if loads are small, light weight, and can easily fit between the knees.


lifting technique

Lean the sack onto
Slide the sack Slide the sack onto
As you stand up keep the sack
your kneeling leg .
up onto your the other leg while
close to your body .
kneeling leg . keeping the sack
  close to your body.


light bulbUse team lifting as a temporary measure until a more permanent improvement
can be found. If possible try to find a co-worker of similar height to help with the lift.

partner lifting

team lifting

Team lifting can reduce the load in half. Discuss your lifting plan so you don't make surprise movements.


light bulbUse a scissors lift, load lifter, or pneumatic lifter to raise or lower the load so that it is level with
the work surface. Then slide the load instead of lifting.

types of lifters
Scissors lifts
Pneumatic lifter
Adjust the load
(accordion skirting)
lifter to shelf
level and remove
containers by
sliding them out.

light bulbUse a turntable. Rotate the turntable to bring the container closer. Always work from the side closest to the load.

load leveler

Turntable on a load leveler


fixed-height turntable

Fixed-height turntable for pallets with short low stacks.


exclamation point

Caution: To promote stability when loading and unloading, rotate the turntable occasionally to avoid the buildup of the load on one side.

turntable examples

Turntable with a turntable inset

Turntable on a cart

pot lifterlight bulbUse a tool.

This pot lifter reduces bending and reaching when handling pots or other cylindrical containers (see Appendix E, page 64, University of California Agricultural Ergonomics Research Center, UC Davis).







light bulbRaise the worker so that the container is grasped 30"—40" from the surface the worker is standing on.

raise worker to load

Use a step stool.
Use portable steps.
Use catwalks or platforms.


work platform

Use a portable work platform and adjust it to the height of the worker.


exclamation point

Caution: When using portable steps, stools, catwalks, or other work platforms follow all manufactures' recommendations for proper use. Use only equipment appropriate to the weight, size, and shape of the load being handled.


light bulbWork within your power zone. Raise or lower the work surface.

stacking techniques

Stack pallets to create a
Use electric or
Use powered stackers.
higher work surface.
pneumatic scissors lift
(accordion skirting).



Provide variable-height
Use mobile scissors lifts.
Use stationary scissors lift.
work surfaces.


light bulbStore heavier or bulkier containers so that they can be handled within your power zone where you have the greatest strength and most comfort.



light bulbWork within power zone. Tilt the container to improve handling of materials.

tilt stands

Use fixed or adjustable tilt stands for smaller containers.



powered tilters


Powered tilters provide better
access to large containers.




light bulbUse angled shelving to improve access to containers.

angled shelving


light bulbHold the container close to the body when lifting and lowering.

close lifting technique



light bulbFor easier access, remove or lower the sides of the receptacle.

lower the sides for easy access



light bulbAdd extra handles for better grip and control.

use handles for a better grip


light bulbSupport the container on or against a fixed object, rack, or stand while pouring the contents.

pouring technique


light bulbUse a removable plate or a work surface to support the container while pouring the contents into the receptacle.

removeable plate


light bulbUse a screen over the opening to support the stack. Pour the contents through the screen.

use a screen for pouring


light bulbUse a cutout work surface so that you can get closer to the container.

use a cutout work surface




light bulbUse a pail tipper. pail tipper

Manual pail tippers are available for 1-, 2-, and 5-gallon containers.



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