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Older DriversView All Publications

While age is not necessarily a reliable indicator of individual driving performance, studies have clearly shown that older drivers have high rates of accidents, injuries, and fatalities on a per-mile driven basis. Because the number of older drivers is increasing — by the year 2020, adults aged 65 and older are projected to make up 20 percent of the population — it is necessary to design highways and roadside appurtenances with older drivers in mind. Solutions to the problems of older driver mobility and safety must be developed through the application of findings in human factors research in areas such as geometrics, signing and pavement markings of at-grade intersections, grade-separated interchanges, roadway curvature, passing zones, and construction/work zones.

Older Drivers Publications

Improvements in Symbol Sign Design to Aid Older Drivers

Older Driver Highway Design Handbook

Symbol Signing Design for Older Drivers

Synthesis of Human Factors Research on Older Drivers and Highway Safety Volume 1: Older Driver Research Synthesis

Traffic Operations Control Older and Pedestrians


Advanced Traveler Information Systems | Driver and Human Performance
Driver Information Systems | Intelligent Vehicle/In-Vehicle
ITS Capabilities | Older Drivers | Pedestrian/Bicyclist Safety
Roadway & Roadside Safety | Safety Management | Traffic Management Systems | Work Zones