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• Center for Shared Solutions & Technology Partnerships

The Center for Geographic Information and Office of Technology Partnerships recently combined efforts to form the new Center for Shared Solutions and Technology Partnerships. This combined effort will bring agencies together through common data and technology to deliver excellent products and services to all.
Center for Shared Solutions and Technology Partnerships Local Government Projects Partners Business Objects Data Transport Tool Address Quality Business Intelligence Spatial Technology (CGI)
  • Our vision is that, through technology, we will endeavor government to be more efficient and effective.
  • Our mission is to transform government with IT being the catalyst, fostering collaboration across government lines. We will do this by sharing resources to eliminate duplication of effort and reduce costs.
  • Our goal is to build once, serve many, operate as one unit with a single entry point to reduce costs, provide more and better services to citizens and make crossing government lines seamless.

What's New

• Michigan Geospatial Steering Committee

• Michigan Geographic Framework (MGF) Version 8a, Now Available

• State of Michigan Imagery Grant Partnership Opportunity Home | CSSTP Home | State Web Sites
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