
Meeting Picture

ADOR Warning about E-Mail Scam

New Business Workshop Schedule

Starting A New Business Brochure

Closing A Business

If you have received a Business Privilege Tax Delinquency Notice, visit our Business
Privilege Tax Delinquency Notices Page to obtain more information.  

Try the Income Tax Form Search. Fast and easy way to download Tax Forms

Information about Automatic Extension for Individual & Corporate Tax Returns

ADOR Departmental Policy on Decoupling from Federal Depreciation Rules

  • E-Filing
    Free online filing for business taxpayers.
  • Motor Vehicle
    Guide to vehicle title, registration, and mandatory liability insurance information.
  • Property Tax
    Guide to forms, rate information, exemptions, and assessment information.
  • Registration Form
    COM 101: One stop registration for income tax withholding, state sales, use, lodgings,
    and rental taxes.
  • Business & License Tax
    Guide to forms/returns, instructions, and rate information for tax sections such as: Business Licensing, Motor Fuels, Severance, and Tobacco.

  • Sales & Use Tax
    Guide to forms/returns, instructions, and rate information for taxes such as: Sales, Use, Rental, Lodgings, Utility, Mobile Telecommunications, Dry Cleaning, Contractors, Pharmaceutical, and Nursing Facility.

  • Tax Incentives
    Addresses eligibility requirements and provides quick links to application forms and
Related Links
Adobe Acrobat Reader | Internal Revenue Service | National Assoc of Tax Professionals | SEATA
Secty of State | Federation of Tax Administrators | National Assoc of Enrolled Agents | AL Society of CPAs
Alabama.gov | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants | MultiState Tax Commission