
Soaring Eagle Dance Project Appreciation

2008 Commitment for the Indian Children
By Roy Cook
The Soaring Eagle Dance and Regalia project is a Tribal cultural social dynamic. In this last days of the new 2009 year we reflect and state our sincere appreciation to those organizations and individuals who have demonstrated their commitment and dedication to the success of the Soaring Eagles, [...]

Silvanna Osuna Heart Fundraiser Dinner

Silvanna Osuna was recently dianosed with heart failure. She has a pacemaker installed to make her strong enough for a bypass. Silvanna has lived her life for Indian people by serving as an ICWA Caseworker for over 25 years and now is serving her own Tribe as a Gaming Commissioner. The family is very grateful [...]

Family sues tribal leaders for casino money

Payments stopped in June over San Pasqual lineage
Members of a family who are being expelled from the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians has filed a civil lawsuit against tribal leaders alleging the officials committed fraud by withholding their monthly share of casino revenues.
In June 2008, the tribe’s government stopped [...]

Salazar seeks to restore trust relationship at DOI

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar identified Indian Country as one of his top priorities on Wednesday as he seeks to reform a department plagued by ethical scandals and corruption.
In his first media roundtable since joining the new administration of President Barack Obama, Salazar vowed to “restore” the federal government’s relationship with tribes. He referred to the [...]

A look back at Lincoln

By Steven Newcomb
While campaigning for the U.S. presidency, Barack Obama gave a statement of support for American Indian sovereignty that was unprecedented by a presidential nominee. He did so not merely on a “government-to-government” basis, but also on a “nation-to-nation” basis, as exemplified by treaties between the United States and Indian nations. Now, as the [...]

Abraham Lincoln’s Legacy

A country with no regard for its past, will do little worth remembering in the future. —Abraham Lincoln
By Roy Cook
Some USA groups are planning a celebration of the 200th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s birth on Febuary12, 2009. There are some bitter views as to his legacy with the First Americans. Also it is a [...]

Economic recovery includes $2.8 billion for Indian Country

Indian Country could benefit from a $2.8 billion boost as part of a national economic stimulus package making its way through Capitol Hill.
The amount is only a small part of the $825 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that is heading to the Senate floor. It’s also far less than the $6.12 billion that the [...]

Is Facebook Not Friendly to Natives?

By Nancy Kelsey
Facebook is not friends with Robin Kills The Enemy.
The social networking site, which enables millions of “friends” to stay in touch with one another, has disabled the account of the 28-year-old Lakota woman from the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Facebook assumed Kills The Enemy was a fake name.

Blood quantum myth

Letter to the Editor - From the January 26, 2009 issue of High Country News by Debra Utacia Krol
Regarding your “Blood Quantum” story, back before the first European contacts, marriage outside the tribe was the norm (HCN, 1/19/09). In my studies on biology and genetics, I learned that our Native elders did have extensive knowledge [...]

Couple to star in ‘Ramona’

Real love: Cesaria Hernandez and Duane Minard are married off-stage, cast as leads.
By JENNA HUNT/For The Valley Chronicle
It is a dream come true for a real-life Hemet couple to play the star-crossed lovers Ramona and Alessandro in the 86th season of “Ramona.”
The “Ramona” pageant has long been a labor of love for first-time Alessandro actor [...]