
Sycuan tribe disputes second casino story

San Diego Union-Tribune Letters to the editor
The Union-Tribune’s story regarding the Sycuan Band’s renegotiated gaming compact did a huge disservice to the governor, the tribe, four members of the Board of Supervisors, the people of Dehesa Valley and the San Diego public (”OK’d by governor/2nd Sycuan casino faces land-use problems,” A1, Feb. 18). The article [...]

Another view on the Jamul casino fight

The San Diego Union-Tribune Letters to the editor
I take issue with some of the facts as presented in the Feb. 3 news story, “Tribal-court challenge rejected,” about the Jamul casino fight and the effort of legitimate Jamul Kumeyaay tribal members to save their precious village.
First, the “judge” has never been a judge in California. He [...]

Tiny, remote tribe owes existence to matriarch, future to her offspring

By Chet Barfield, STAFF WRITER
La Posta tribal chairwoman  oversaw last month’s opening of the reservation’s 349-slot casino.

Hi-Tech U.S. Military Tool Used for Native American Language Revitalization Efforts

Several generations of American Indians from the 1930s to the 1970s were sent to U.S. Government boarding schools where they were not allowed to speak their native languages. Native students of that era who spoke their language were severely punished.
“My mother was part of that boarding school era where Indian kids were made to be [...]