Help for Available Indexes Page

National Coverage

This screen provides links to various lists. The National Coverage indexes provides lists of NCDs, NCAs, CALs, MedCACs and Technology Assessments. For NCDs, there is also an index available which allows the user to list NCDs by chapter/section and another index which allows the user to generate a list of Lab NCDs. For NCAs and CALs, there are indexes available which show all NCAs or CALs which are currently open for public comment.

Local Coverage

The "by Contractor" and "by State" indexes allow a user to generate a list of all Articles or LCDs for a particular contractor. If you know the name of the contractor, use the "by Contractor" indexes. If you are not sure of the contractor's name but know the state, then use the "by State" indexes.

The "Alphabetical List..." indexes allow a user to generate a list of all Articles or LCDs listed in alphabetical order.

Local Coverage Contacts

The "Medical Director" lists provide the Medical Director names and contact information for each contractor.

The "Contractor Websites" list provides the website addresses for each contractor.

Download the MCD Power Point Demonstration (last updated March 2009.) (ZIP - 1704 KB). To unzip this file, please download WinZip.

Page Last Modified: 4/22/2009 11:20:16 AM

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