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AIP History

1948 - 1967
Congress established the Arctic Health Research Center (AHRC) in Anchorage as part of the U.S. Public Heath Service, Bureau of State Services. Collaborative studies between the AHRC and Alaska Native Medical Center were conducted on biology and health in the Arctic, including the early treatment and prevention of tuberculosis. The AHRC also conducted studies in virology, parasitology, environmental health, entomology, and epidemiology.

1968 - 1972
The Arctic Health Research Center laboratory moved to Fairbanks. The epidemiology unit stayed in Anchorage to retain the close association with the staff of the Alaska Native Medical Center. Collaborative studies were conducted on a variety of infectious and non-infectious diseases of significance in the Alaska Native people such as mumps, pneumonia, cardiovascular diseases, hereditary diseases, cystic echinococcosis, and anemia.

1973 - 1979
The Arctic Health Research Center closed. The epidemiology activities in Anchorage were adopted by the Ecological Investigations Program of CDC, which established a laboratory on the Alaska Native Medical Center grounds. The unit later became known as the Alaska Investigations, Division of the Bureau of Epidemiology, CDC. Collaborative studies continued in the areas of infant mortality and infectious diseases of children, such as streptococcal disease and rheumatic fever. A prevention program for streptococcal disease was established. Studies continued on the causes of meningitis and anemia, effects of otitis media, hepatitis, genetic and metabolic disorders, epidemiology of cancer, and foodborne botulism.

1980 - 1988
After the CDC reorganization in the early 1980s, the program was renamed the Arctic Investigations Laboratory, located in the Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC. Vaccine trials for prevention of infectious diseases including Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B were begun. The natural history of hepatitis B was described. The association between hepatitis B and liver cancer and between the Epstein-Barr virus and nasopharyngeal cancer was described. An early screening program for the detection and treatment of alveolar hydatid diseases was begun, and efforts to determine the factors causing iron deficiency anemia in rural Alaska were resumed.

1989 - 1992
The laboratory became the Arctic Investigations Program (AIP), a division of the National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases, CDC. Collaborations between AIP, Indian Health Service, and the State of Alaska resulted in statewide vaccine programs for the prevention of hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b. These programs resulted in a dramatic statewide reduction in diseases caused by these infections. Vaccine trials for the prevention of pneumococcal disease were initiated. Studies on the association between human papilloma virus and cervical cancer were conducted.

1993 - 1996
The design of the new Alaska Native Medical Center together with a new building for the Arctic Investigations Program was completed. Vaccine programs for the control of hepatitis A in Alaska Natives were initiated, and studies began to define the impact of hepatitis C in Alaska Natives. Studies on the etiology of iron deficiency in Alaska Natives focused on blood loss and a possible role of Helicobacter pylori. Dramatic outbreaks of acute respiratory diseases in Alaska Native infants spurred a pilot study of the role of respiratory syncytial virus and possible prevention and control strategies.

1997 - Present
The new Alaska Native Medical Center and Arctic Investigations Program buildings are completed. Current priority programs include:

Early facilites for the Alaska Epidemology Program.
Epidemiology facilty, early years. Early facilities for the Alaska Epidemiology Program.

CDC building, Anchorage, AK in 1970
Centers for Disease Control facilities in 1970. Located adjacent to the Alaska Native Medical Center.

AIP's current facilities
Current facilities for the Arctic Investigations Program.