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IAQ TfS Action Kit

IAQ TfS Action Kit
IAQ TfS Action Kit

You can view most of the Action Kit in HTML and you can download most of the Action Kit as PDF files.  See the various sections of the Action Kit below.

Instructions for ordering a free Action Kit

Find out more about ordering the Action Kit on CD-ROM.

EPA 402-K-07-008 (hard copy)
402-C-05-001 (CD-ROM)

Get the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF files linked on this page.  See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

IAQ TfS Action Kit shows schools how to carry out a practical plan to improve indoor air problems at little- or no-cost using straightforward activities and in-house staff. The Kit provides best practices, industry guidelines, sample policies, and a sample IAQ management plan.

Start Using the Action Kit Today

PDF versions are available for most items, and schools can also download and modify various checklists as MS Word documents (some of the checklists are available in Spanish). Most components of the Action Kit are available here as downloadable PDF files. The IAQ Problem Solving Wheel, The IAQ Tools for Schools Video Collection are not available electronically, but can be ordered individually free of charge (How to Order).

The IAQ TfS Action Kit is co-sponsored by the National Parent Teacher Association, National Education Association, Association of School Business Officials, American Federation of Teachers, and the American Lung Association.

Contents of the Action Kit Available for Download
Contents of the Action Kit Available for Ordering Only

CD-ROM Version of the Action Kit | How to Order


EPA's Letter to IAQ TfS Users
IAQ TfS Roadmap

EPA designed the IAQ TfS Roadmap as a user-friendly, ten-step guide to help school staff familiarize themselves with the multitude of resources included in the IAQ TfS Action Kit. These easy to follow steps help school staff apply IAQ TfS guidance to establish a comprehensive IAQ management program. The Road Map is included in the IAQ TfS Action Kit and is available for order separately. These files are larger because they are full page, full color printable versions of the Road Map.

This brief reference guide consists of 10 easy-to-follow steps to get you started on developing a comprehensive IAQ program today. The Road Map is available as three separate PDF files.  The files are larger because they are full page, full color printable versions of the Road Map.

IAQ Coordinator's Guide

This document is designed for the IAQ Coordinator at the school and district levels. It offers guidance on preventing and solving most indoor air problems with minimal cost and coordinating IAQ projects with other members of an IAQ team. The guide provides basic IAQ information, guidance for developing an IAQ management plan, and suggestions for resolving IAQ problems.

IAQ Reference Guide

This guidance provides common-sense measures for preventing, diagnosing, and resolving most indoor air problems with minimal cost and involvement. This guide helps schools understand how IAQ problems develop, the importance of good IAQ, and its impact on students, staff, and building occupants. One section provides suggestions for dealing with an IAQ crisis and for communicating IAQ information to students, staff, parents, and the community. The appendices of this guide offer detailed information on IAQ-related topics including mold, radon, secondhand smoke, asthma, portable classrooms, basic measurement equipment, hiring professional assistance, codes and regulations, and integrated pest management. The document also includes information on typical indoor air pollutants and pollutants from motor vehicles and equipment.

IAQ Backgrounder

This five page guidance document, included in the IAQ TfS Action Kit, offers an in-depth description of factors that affect air quality in schools. This document highlights important topics including: why IAQ is important to schools, understanding IAQ problems and solutions, sources of indoor air pollutants (indoor and outdoor sources), and strategies to control building systems that affect air quality. It also emphasizes the importance of the checklists provided for school staff and describes how the checklists can help schools identify problems and respond if IAQ problems exist.

Awards Program

This fact sheet introduces the IAQ TfS Awards Program and describes the three types of awards: Great Start, Leadership, and Excellence. The Awards Program recognizes schools and school districts that are implementing comprehensive, sustainable IAQ management plans. Eligible schools are those that have demonstrated a strong commitment to improve children's health and IAQ and to promote good IAQ in schools. The fact sheet provides more information on eligibility requirements for each type of award.

How To Implement a District Wide Tools for Schools Program

Implementing the IAQ TfS Program district-wide has become the standard approach for schools initiating an IAQ management program. However, large districts sometimes find it challenging to implement the Program in all schools simultaneously. This fact sheet describes the benefits of implementing a district-wide program and components that ensure a successful program from the start. EPA has developed 15 easy steps to make the process of launching a district-wide program more organized and straightforward for small and large districts alike.

Checklists and Topic Backgrounders

EPA has designed 11 checklists to engage school staff and key stakeholders in the process of school inspections and sustaining an IAQ management program. Each checklist is accompanied by a Checklist Backgrounder that describes the purpose of the specific checklist. Checklists and Backgrounders are available for: teachers, administrative staff, health officials/school nurses, school officials, and for specific school functions, including building maintenance, food service, waste management, ventilation, renovation and repairs, walkthrough inspections, and pest management. Checklists may be downloaded in MS Word format and tailored or updated to reflect activities at a particular school.

Administrative Staff
  • Checklist (PDF, 2 pp., 89 K) | (DOC, 2 pp., 89 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 2 pp., 86 K)
School Officials
  • Checklist (PDF, 2 pp., 63 K) | (DOC, 2 pp., 150 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 2 pp., 436 K)
Building and Grounds Maintenance
  • Checklist (PDF, 2 pp., 98 K) | (DOC, 2 pp., 99 K) | En Español (PDF, 6 pp., 321 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 3 pp., 132 K)
Teacher's Classroom
  • Checklist (PDF, 3 pp., 123 K) | (DOC, 3 pp., 104 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 4 pp., 152 K)
Food Service
  • Checklist (PDF, 2 pp., 96 K) | (DOC, 2 pp., 94 K) | En Español (PDF, 3 pp., 225 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 1 page, 57 K)
  • Checklist (PDF, 5 pp., 254 K) | (DOC, 5 pp., 139 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 8 pp., 606 K)
Health Officer/School Nurse
  • Checklist (PDF, 2 pp., 87 K) | (DOC, 2 pp., 156 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 2 pp., 90 K)
Walkthrough Inspection
  • Checklist (PDF, 2 pp., 71 K) | (DOC, 2 pp., 75 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 1 page, 423 K)
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • Checklist (PDF, 3 pp., 121 K) | (DOC, 3 pp., 160 K) | En Español (PDF, 4 pp., 319 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 3 pp., 96 K)
Waste Management
  • Checklist (PDF, 1 page, 60 K) | (DOC, 1 page, 97 K) | En Español (PDF, 2 pp., 155 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 1 page, 55 K)
Renovation and Repairs
  • Checklist (PDF, 3 pp., 495 K) | (DOC, 3 pp., 101 K)
  • Backgrounder (PDF, 4 pp., 148 K)

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Managing Asthma in the School Environment

This guide offers valuable information for all school staff, especially school nurses, teachers, and maintenance staff, on how to identify and control common environmental factors in schools that trigger asthma attacks. Resources include an “Asthma Action Card” which can serve as a daily asthma management plan. School nurses can share these resources with parents to raise awareness of asthma triggers and to help manage asthma at home and school effectively. Also included are easy tips for managing asthma in schools, including using the IAQ TfS Kit and Program to improve IAQ in the learning environment.

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Contents of the Kit Available for Ordering

Problem Solving Wheel

The problem solving wheel is an interactive, user-friendly tool that EPA designed to help school staff identify IAQ emergencies and determine actions to take in an emergency IAQ situation. This resource was designed to help school staff understand various factors related to the indoor environment, such as odors, temperature and humidity problems, illnesses, symptoms of health problems, explanations of and solutions to common problems. The problem solving wheel is included in the IAQ TfS Action Kit and is available for order separately.

  • EPA 402-K-05-001A, January 2005
The IAQ Tools for Schools Video Collection DVD

This comprehensive Video Collection incorporates three informative films on one convenient DVD. Film one, Taking Action, shows how one school successfully implemented the IAQ TfS Action Kit. Film two, Ventilation Basics, explains the importance of good indoor quality and shows how to operate and maintain school ventilation systems. Finally, Walkthrough: Four Schools Making a Difference illustrates the school walkthrough, one key component of the IAQ TfS process that many schools use to kick off their IAQ programs. This DVD illustrates some of the most common IAQ problems found in schools and is ideal for schools that are beginning to implement IAQ TfS.

  • EPA 402-V-08-001

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CD-ROM of IAQ TfS Action Kit (EPA 402-C-05-001)

The IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit (January 2009) is also available on CD-ROM.  The CD includes most materials in the Action Kit, such as the IAQ Backgrounder, IAQ Coordinator's Guide, IAQ Reference Guide, and checklists in Adobe PDF format. Checklists are also available as MS Word documents (some En Español).

How to Order the Action Kit

The IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit and its components are available free of charge and can be obtained from EPA's National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP):

P.O. Box 42419
Cincinnati, OH 45242-0419
Website: www.epa.gov/nscep
Phone:  1-800-490-9198
Fax:  (301) 604-3408
E-mail:  nscep@bps-lmit.com

NSCEP operates a Toll-free phone service for EPA Publication Assistance with live customer service representative assistance Monday through Friday from 9:00am-5:30pm eastern time.  Voice Mail is available after operating hours.  You can fax or e-mail your publication requests.  For technical assistance with NSCEP web pages, write to: nscep_nepis.tech@epa.gov

Please use the EPA Document Number 402-K-07-008 (hard copy) or 402-C-05-001 (CD-ROM) when ordering from NSCEP.  See our list of publications at www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs

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