Federal Trade Commission Received Documents Jan 22 1996 B18354900081 Secretary JOHN STEIN 1600 BOWERS ROAD MANSFIELD, OHIO 44903 TELE: 419-884-2284 FAX: 419-884-2353 Office of the Secretary Federal Trade Commission Room 159 Washington, D.C. 20580 1/18/96 SUBJECT: "Made in USA". As a consumer I want to know where the products I buy are manufactured. When a product claims to be Made in the USA, then it should be manufactured in the USA from parts that are manufactured in the USA. If the product is manufactured outside the USA or has components manufactured outside the USA then it should be stated on the product within plain site -- that is, on the outside of the container, not buried in the literature inside the box. Additionally the percentages of US to foreign components must be stated, and "Assembled in USA" is NOT "Made in USA." The distinction should be spelled out. To my mind, this is the only proper way to allow the consumer to make an informed choice. A choice made upon honest information, not marketing hype. The Federal Trade Commission should not be an arm of the corporations, they should be the ones that make sure the playing field is not only level, but marked correctly. Regards, JS