68th Annual Conference





The December issue of AAPOR News is online. Read it here 

Congratulations to AAPOR members and the polling community for a job well done on the 2012 Presidential Election.

The AAPOR community would like to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of survey research pioneer Dr. Seymour Lieberman who passed away on October 1, 2012. Read more

AAPOR releases a statement on understanding a “credibility interval” and how it differs from the “margin of sampling error” in a public opinion poll. Read the statement here

Learn more about the relationship between the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology (JSSAM) and Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ). Learn more 

Survey Statistics and Methodology Journal Being Launched by AAPOR and ASA. Learn more

Public Opinion Quarterly
The current issue of AAPOR's professional journal
is available now

Image Survey Practice
AAPOR's e-journal with public opinion and survey research articles and commentary
Standard Definitions
7th Edition, 2011 Standard Definitions: Final Dispositions of Case Codes and Outcome Rates for Surveys

NEW DATE! January 23, 2013 -- AAPOR Professional Development Webinar: Thoughts on Working Across Research Sectors During One's Career. Learn more 

2013 Awards! Nominate individuals, groups or organizations that have made significant contributions to the field. Learn more 

Show your support -- Sponsor AAPOR's 68th Annual Conference in Boston. Learn more 

Join AAPOR or renew your membership today! Learn more 

List your company in the AAPOR Blue Book and get noticed! Click here to get listed today. 

For the Media

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