Images of the 24th Congressional District

Portrait of Congressman Gallegly

Key Issues

Justice Department photo of unidentified law enforcement officer handcuffing unidentified suspect

Our economic dilemma is about parents who are finding it difficult to put food on the table and families who are losing their homes. But it is also about national security. Our enemies want our economy to fail. A weakened economy makes us an easier target.

We need to rebuild our economy for both reasons. We need to make the American Dream real again for all who believe hard work and perseverance give them a real shot at realizing it. In doing so, we hand our enemies a defeat and strengthen American families.

The economy is not the only challenge we face. I am one of only a handful of Members of Congress to sit on four full committees. As a senior member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee, Judiciary Committee and Natural Resources Committee, I consider some of the crucial challenges facing Americans today, from terrorism here and abroad, to trade and the global economy, to crime and immigration, to energy and the environment.

This section provides information on what my colleagues in Congress and I are doing on the economy, health care, energy, illegal immigration, terrorists, and criminals. I hope you find it informative.

Key Issues

Crime & Justice
Health Care
Illegal Immigration

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