U.S. Representative Trent Franks, AZ-2nd District

For Immediate Release: June 14, 2005

Contact: Lindsey Mask


Franks Welcomes High School Art Contest Winner to DC


Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-2) was delighted to share a part of his day with this year’s winner of the High School Congressional Art Competition, An Artistic Discovery.  Of the ninety pieces of artwork entered in this year’s competition for the 2nd Congressional District of Arizona, Sarah M. White of Glendale was selected the overall winner.  Her winning status earned her a $30,000 scholarship to the Art Institute of Arizona and an invitation to Washington D.C. to participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony on Capitol Hill where her artwork will be displayed for one year.


“I have truly enjoyed having Sarah and her family here in Washington D.C.  This whole contest has really been an amazing process that has positively impacted me, Sarah, her family, and even my staff.  It’s been an inspiration to see such gifts flow from the hands of our young people.”


Sarah White, 17, and a student at Apollo High School in Glendale says she was surprised when she won.  She named her painting “Fall in Flag” after of photograph she took in Flagstaff with her family.  All the participants’ art was displayed in the Art Institute of Phoenix for the first part of May where they were open for viewing by seven distinguished judges from area museums, institutes, and colleges.


First, second and third place winners were awarded partial scholarships for the Art Institute of Arizona.  This was the 24th Annual Congressional Art Competition.

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