U.S. Representative Trent Franks, AZ-2nd District

For Immediate Release Contact: Elaine Dalbo

Congressman Franks Introduces the Children’s Hope Act

Encourages states to follow Arizona’s scholarship tax credit model
May 22, 2003Today U.S. Representative Trent Franks introduced the Children’s Hope Act of 2003, legislation that builds on the success of the Arizona scholarship tax credit he authored in 1997.  This legislation strengthens school choice by encouraging state legislatures to enact state scholarship tax credits. 


“Most of my public life has been devoted to children’s issues,” Franks said.  “I have seen first-hand that the strongest and surest inducement to educational excellence is to give parents the ability to choose what kind of educational substance and environment is best for their child.  They have the intrinsic right to make the fundamental decisions regarding their children’s education.”


The Arizona scholarship tax credit has benefited nearly 57,000 children throughout the state, providing $56 million dollars in scholarships since 1998.  That has also meant a savings of $56 million in public education costs for the state.


The Children’s Hope Act states that if a state enacts a scholarship tax credit of $250 or more, the residents of that state are eligible to take part in a federal scholarship tax credit.  The federal tax credit of $100 ($200 for joint returns) is designated solely for scholarships to low-income children.  For the nine states that do not have an income tax, they can take a dollar for dollar credit against their property taxes.


In keeping with the Congressman’s commitment to lessen federal involvement in the education system, this bill provides clear incentive for state action.  Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Florida already qualify for the $100 federal tax credit and dozens of other states are considering similar legislation. 


Congressman Franks is joined by 21 original cosponsors, including Congressman John Boehner (R-OH), Chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee.


“Families have waited far too long for these reforms,” Franks said.  “America’s children deserve the best education possible and Congress has an ideal opportunity to employ a proven method to help make this happen.”



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