2009 Video Gallery

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Congressman Trent Franks gives a one minute floor speech on the lack of promised results from the Democrats’ so-called "stimulus" bill.
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Tribute to Private William Long
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Hate Crimes
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El Salvadoran Elections
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Congressman Franks speaks on the ongoing struggle for civil rights for the most forgotten members of the black community on 100th Anniversary of the NAACP.
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MLK, Lincoln, and the Right to Life: Congressman Franks commemorates the 50th anniversary of Rev. King's trip to India, the legacy of Lincoln, and the importance of civil rights being extended to all individuals, including the unborn.
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Sunset Memorial on the 36th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade
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Tribute to President George W. Bush
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Congressman Franks speaks in support of Israel in light of conflict with Hamas
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