November 8, 2003
[United States Congress]

            Congressman Faleomavaega congratulates Major Evelyn Vaitautolu-Langford on her promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.


            “Major Vaitautolu-Langford will be promoted on November 13, 2003 at Fort Sam Houston in Texas.  Major Vaitautolu-Langford is the first Samoan woman ever to achieve the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army and this is history in the making,” Congressman Faleomavaega said. 


            “Major Vaitautolu-Langford is the daughter of Chief Vaitautolu Liugalua of Faleasao, Manu’a and his late wife, Simeamao Fiaseu-Vaitautolu, of Masausi.  Major Vaitautolu-Langford is a graduate of Samoana High School and the American Samoa Community College.  She enlisted in the military at the American Samoa U.S. Army Recruiting Station and completed her Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Jackson in South Carolina,” the Congressman said.


            “She also served in American Samoa’s local U.S. Army Reserve with Bravo Company, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry as a 71L Administrative Specialist.  After 21 years of outstanding military service, Major Vaitautolu-Langford is now being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and I am proud of the example she has set for all of us and especially for our young women.” 


            “In her honor, I have flown a flag over the U.S. Capitol in commemoration of her historic promotion.  I have also thanked Major Vaitautolu-Langford for inviting me to participate in her promotion ceremony and I deeply regret that I will be unable to attend due to a prior commitment that I made to attend Veterans’ Day activities in American Samoa on November 11, 2003.” 


            “This Veterans’ Day, however, Major Vaitautolu-Langford can be sure that our thoughts and prayers will be with her when she is promoted on November 13, 2003 to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.  Again, I commend Major Vaitautolu-Langford on her historic achievement and I continue to wish her and her family the very best,” the Congressman concluded.

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