June 1, 2009
[United States Congress]

Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is committing $28.8 million to American Samoa to accelerate the creation of jobs by building a clean energy economy. 

In a letter dated May 20, 2009 to Faleomavaega, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu said, “President Obama and the United States Congress have set us on a bold course to meet our economic, energy and environmental challenges.  The U.S. Department of Energy is playing a central role in the effort to put Americans back to work while building the foundation of a clean energy economy through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act).”

Chu went on to state that, “American Samoa will receive the benefits of $28,863,011 across the following areas: Weatherization ($719,511), State Energy Program ($18,550,000), and Energy Efficiency Community Block Grants ($9,593,500).  Organizations and companies will be eligible for competitive portions of other grants as well.”

Calling the commitment “both wise and timely,” Faleomavaega said that, “this funding will not only save the people of American Samoa money and energy, it will also create good jobs across the territory.  This is a significant amount of money, and DOE is moving rapidly to get it to American Samoa.  The speed reflects the fact that the money is part of the funding Congress and the Obama Administration committed in response to the recession.  As a supporter of that effort, I am especially pleased American Samoa is getting such a significant portion of those funds.”

The Secretary of Energy concluded his letter by noting that, “I look forward to working with [Congressman Faleomavaega] to turn our energy and environmental challenges into opportunities for all Americans and to create a clean, affordable energy future for our children.”

In response to Chu’s letter, Faleomavaega said he looks forward “to working with the Secretary and his Department in ensuring we get this vital funding to American Samoa as swiftly as possible.”


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