Description of GIF files in the Budget Summary

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6. DOJ Pie Chart - FY 2005 Budget Request by Strategic Goal (Dollars are in Billions),
Goal 1: Prevent terrorism and promote the Nation's Security - $2.81,
Goal 2: Enforce federal laws and represent the rights and interests of the American people - $9.05,
Goal 3: Assist state, local, and tribal efforts to prevent or reduce crime and violence - $3.37,
Goal 4: Ensure the fair and efficient of the Federal justice system - $6.97.
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18. DOJ Pie Chart - FY 2005 Discretionary Budget Authority by Organization - Discretionary Budget Authority:
$19,679,341,00, Other DOJ 3%, FPS 24%, DEA 8%, USMF 4%, FBI 27%, GLA 3%, USA 8%, OJP 10%, ICDE 3%, OFDT 5%, ATF 4%, ARA 1%.
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19. DOJ Bar Chart - Department of Justice Budget Authority and Positions, FY 1996 - FY 2005,
Fiscal Year, Budget Authority (dollars in billions),
1996 - 16.28, 1997 - 18.66, 1998 - 19.98, 1999 - 20.96, 2000 - 21.48, 2001 - 24.54, 2002 - 28.93, 2003 - 22.26, 2004 - 25.54, 2005 - 22.2,
Authorized Positions,
1996 - 105.3, 1997 - 105.3, 1998 - 116.5, 1999 - 120.1, 2000 - 122.7, 2001 - 125.0, 2002 - 130.3, 2003 - 98.0, 2004 - 107.3, 2005 - 109.3, Fiscal Year.
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