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Image of SDO

Project Page:
Movie   ID   Title
This version of the movie includes <b>ALL</b> TRACE data frames, including cases where the spacecraft re-points for short times.  This makes the movie jump around considerably more than the 'smooth' version.   3435   Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Data Collection Comparison
The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will be NASA's new eye on the sun.  This short promo introduces SDO's comically animated alter-ego, 'Little SDO'.   10261   Introducing Little SDO
On March 31, 2008, the Solar Dynamics Observatory's Solar Arrays and High Gain Antenna were deployed successfully during their first planned test.
<p>For complete transcription of this video, please click <a href='closed_captioning.html'>here</a>.   10199   SDO Solar Array and High Gain Antenna Test Deploy

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script.html'>here</a>.   10190   SDO: Command Accepted!
<b>PROPULSION AND BUS INTEGRATION</b>   <br />After launch, SDO's propulsion system will boost the spacecraft into its geosynchronous orbit.  Thrusters using the same fuel and oxidizer mix will keep SDO in the correct orbit during the mission.  The Bus carries the electronics and battery for the spacecraft.
<p>For complete transcription of this video, please click <a href='integ_prop_bus.html'>here</a>.   10189   Stepping Stones to SDO
This short video gives an overview of NASA's SDO spacecraft mission to observe the Sun and improve predictions of solar weather.   10188   NASA's SDO Mission
This animation shows SDO coming out of the darkness.   10162   The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
'Beauty Pass' of Solar Dynamics Observatory on-station.   10040   Solar Dynamics Observatory On-Station

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