Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Home Page
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8/27/2009 - Governor Schwarzenegger toured a classroom at Chula Vista Learning Community Charter School and delivered remarks regarding 'Race to the Top' Federal Funding.
Read More About 'Race to the Top' Federal Funding »

Eunice Shriver  

Image of the Governor8/26 - Gov. Schwarzenegger toured Twitter headquarters and participated in a webchat with Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams. Yesterday, the Governor launched, a site for Twitter users to share their ideas for moving California forward.
Read More About Twitter webchat »

Image of the Governor7/20 - The Governor announced the Department of General Services has saved the state $27 million on commercial leasing rates through a targeted effort to renegotiate the terms on 1,200 of the state’s commercial leases, with savings expected to reach $80 to 100 million for California.
8/11Permanent link to transcript - "Today we celebrate the life of a woman who had the vision to create our movement. It is an enormous loss, but I know we can rest assured that her legacy will live on through her family, friends, and the millions of people around the world who she touched and transformed. In her memory, we will continue to work to bring her powerful vision to life to change the lives of those with intellectual disabilities, their families and communities, using sports as the catalyst for respect, acceptance and inclusion."
In Memoriam
Senator Edward Kennedy
8/26Permanent link to transcript - “Maria and I are immensely saddened by the passing of Uncle Teddy. He was known to the world as the Lion of the Senate, a champion of social justice, and a political icon. ... Teddy inspired our country through his dedication to health care reform, his commitment to social justice, and his devotion to a life of public service. "
Link to Maria Shriver's  website
California Economic Recovery Portal
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