News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

January 16, 2009

Communications Director


Berry Honors Arkansas 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team
WASHINGTON, D.C. –  United States Representative Marion Berry (AR-01) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 21, which commends the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the Arkansas National Guard for its completion of a second deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. All members of the Arkansas Delegation including Representative Vic Snyder (AR-02), John Boozman (AR-03), and Mike Ross (AR-04) are original cosponsors of the bill. Senator Mark Pryor plans to introduce identical legislation in the Senate.
Text of the resolution as follows:
Whereas the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, known as the Bowie Brigade, of the Arkansas National Guard is headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, and is made up of some 3,200 selfless, brave, and dedicated Arkansans from all four congressional districts and every major city of the State;
Whereas the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team has a distinguished history of service to the United States, beginning with World War I and continuing through Hurricane Katrina relief and recovery efforts;
Whereas the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team was most recently mobilized in January 2008 and departed for Iraq in March 2008 becoming the first National Guard Brigade Combat Team to be recalled and deployed twice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom;
Whereas while deployed, the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team logged over 2,000,000 convoy security miles;
Whereas while deployed, the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team searched over 2,000,000 vehicles at entry control points;
Whereas the 39th Infantry Brigade lost no members in combat and suffered only two non-combat related causalities;
Whereas the members of the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team are now returning to Arkansas to their proud families and to an appreciative and admiring Nation;
Whereas the strength and unflinching support of the families of the members of the 39th Brigade Combat Team have made the United States as strong as it is today; and
Whereas the 39th Brigade Combat Team has served with courage and compassion, with selflessness and service, and earned the respect of not only Arkansans, but Americans everywhere: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress--
(1) commends the members of the 39th Brigade Combat Team of the Arkansas National Guard for their exemplary service to the United States and the completion of their second deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom; and
(2) recognizes the service and sacrifice of the 39th Brigade Combat Team members and their families.


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