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16.2 Tactical Interoperable Communications Scorecard

Goal 2 - DCC 16 - Indicator 16.2

This indicator is part of Emergency preparedness.

Indicator description:                                                           

The US Department of Homeland Security Tactical Interoperable Communications (TIC) Scorecard assesses the maturity and thus the readiness of tactical interoperable communications capabilities in 75 urban/metropolitan areas, including the Albuquerque region. Tactical Interoperable Communications are defined as the rapid provision of on-scene, incident-based, mission-critical voice communications among all first responder agencies, such as EMS, fire and law enforcement, as appropriate for the incident. The scorecards were developed by subject matter expert panels that reviewed current communications plans, exercises and a self-assessment to arrive at consensus findings and recommendations for each region on how to best improve that region's communications capabilities. The scorecard evaluation specifically focuses on the areas of Governance, Standard Operating Procedures, and Usage elements. Each received a maturity score ranging from early implementation to advanced implementation, which was given a point score; four points are possible in each of the three areas, for a total of twelve possible points. Because the TIC Scorecard only included two of Albuquerque's peer Southwest cities, a number of other regions were included for comparison. For the TIC Scorecards, the Albuquerque region included Valencia, Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties, as well as incorporated cities and Native American Tribes and Pueblos within those counties. The Albuquerque region was judged as having early implementation in the area of Governance, intermediate implementation for Standard Operating Procedures, and established implementation for Usage, for a total of 6 points out of 12 possible points.

Indicator 16_2a

Why is this indicator relevant?

Interoperable communications ensure that public safety agencies will be able to communicate effectively during a natural or human caused emergency. Communications interoperability among agencies and jurisdictions is a long-standing problem in the public safety community; barriers to interoperable communications are both technical and operational.

Data Source:
Tactical Interoperable Communications Scorecards Summary Report and Findings, US Department of Homeland Security, January 2007.

Indicator 16_2b

What can we tell from the data?

  • The Albuquerque region lags slightly behind others in the maturity level of their Tactical Interoperable Communications systems.
  • The Albuquerque region was judged to be established in the area of communications Usage, but less mature in the areas of Governance and Standard Operating Procedures.


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