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Why I Sought ABMM Certification

Certify Your Worth

ABMM Board Meeting Minutes 2008

TREK Diagnostic ABMM/ABMLI Professional Recognition Award

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BD Award for Research in Clinical Microbiology

bioMérieux Sonnenwirth Award for Leadership in Clinical Microbiology

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Young Investigator Award

Scherago-Rubin Award

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Clinical Microbiology

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Return to Home : What's New in the American Academy of Microbiology (AAM) : Professional Certification

American Board of Medical Microbiology (ABMM)

Already Certified?
The American College of Microbiology is pleased to announce that the ABMM certification examination is now available online. Candidates apply online and schedule their examinations at testing centers worldwide.
To facilitate the transition to online testing, a few changes have been implemented.
  • Candidates will apply online and references will submit the candidates’ references online, too.
  • The application deadline is now April 1.
  • Candidates can examine any day in the month of June.
Please share this information with your colleagues and encourage them to apply. Your support makes your certification more valuable!
The ABMM welcomes 21 new Diplomates.
Search for fellow Diplomates and update your contact information.
The ABMM requires its Diplomates to recertify by continuing education once every three years.  The deadline is December 31.