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Teaching Resources - Waste and Recycling

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EPA links - External links

EPA links

Basic information about Waste Grades 9-12, Teachers

Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
This site describes how people can help solve a growing problem...garbage!

Environmental Protection Begins With You (EPA-530-K-06-001)(PDF) (24pp, 530K About PDF ) July 2006

Hazardous Waste: Superfund Grades 6-8,Grades 9-12
A collection of activities to assist in teaching about hazardous waste, environmental issues surrounding site cleanup, and the Federal government's Superfund program. Grades 7-12.

Paper University Grades 6-8
Great history of papermaking and lots of activities and information about forestry.

Pollution Prevention Toolbox Grades 6-8
The toolbox contains a series of four-page lesson plans on various pollution prevention concepts for schools. Grades 6-8.

The Quest for Less: Activities and resources for teaching K-8 Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
Use this resource to develop lesson plans, incorporate a range of activities into various subject areas throughout the school year.

Recycle City Grades K-5

Recycling Grades 9-12, Teachers
Because there's not one simple remedy for our trash problem, this site explains and explores why we need to consider a combination of solutions to manage it. Reducing and reusing waste, recycling, burning trash for energy recovery, and landfilling are all parts of the solution.

Resources for Waste Education Grades 6-8
These online activities make learning about recycling fun! Students will love the colorful graphics and educational activities.

Science Fair Fun: Designing Environmental Science Projects (PDF) (16 pp, 245K About PDF ) (EPA 530-K-00-008) Grades 6-8
Science Fair Fun: Designing Environmental Science Projects en Español (PDF) (16 pp, 223K About PDF ) Grades 6-8
epa.gov/osw/education/pdfs/sciencefair.pdf, epa.gov/osw/education/pdfs/k00008s.pdf
Resource booklet designed to generate ideas for students and teachers interested in solid waste science fair projects. This document contains a brief overview of the scientific method and provides students and educators with sample project ideas that provide a basis for designing an environmental science experiment. It also contains a glossary of solid-waste terms and a list of "other resources", both print and electronic, related to environmental science projects.

Superfund: About Superfund
This page provides an overview of the Superfund program, highlights key steps in the Superfund cleanup process, explains how the program is enforced, describes EPA's Superfund offices, and links to other EPA hazardous-waste programs.

Superfund: Classroom Activities
This site has resources to help teachers and educate students (grades 2-12) about the Superfund Program. It includes several activities, environmental cleanup videos, and a participatory program in which classrooms collect weather data for EPA.

Superfund: Hazardous Substance and Hazardous Waste
This site provides useful information on hazardous chemicals, different types of waste materials and how to properly dispose of them.

Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools Grades 9-12
EPA's Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools helps your school and school district reduce the amount of waste you generate. You'll learn how to start a waste reduction program or expand an existing one. The guide will show you how your program can benefit your school, your community, and the environment by reducing, reusing, and recycling your waste.

Volunteer for Change (EPA530-K-01-002)(PDF) (24pp, 567K About PDF ) May 2001

Volunteer for Change: A Guide to Environmental Community Service en Español (PDF)
(23 pp, 577K About PDF )

This guide to environmental community service features the ABCs of volunteering plus projects on reuse, recycling, composting, and household hazardous waste.
See also Environmental Protection Begins With You (EPA-530-K-06-001)(PDF) (24pp, 530K About PDF ) July 2006

Waste publications by topic - Educational Resources Teachers

Where Can I Take My Computer? Grades 9-12, Teachers
Web sites and organizations that can provide information on opportunities for donating and recycling computers and other electronics.

Zip Code Search Grades 9-12
Get specific environmental information about your neighborhood by entering your zipcode on this site.

External links

The Adventures of Herman the Worm Grades K-5
A site for younger kids to learn about composting, worm bins and the biology of earthworms. What's on the menu at the Worm Deli? ¡En Español tambien!

Air Defenders - the Quest for Clean Air Exit EPA Disclaimer Grades 6-8
Learn how burning garbage in the open air causes pollution and health problems. This site is aimed at students 10 and up. It presents alternatives to open burning (recycle, trash dump, reuse, compost). Students earn their Air Defender badge while pursuing their quest to clean the air and protect community health.

Clean Sweep USA Exit EPA Disclaimer Grades 6-8
Fun activities and curriculum for grades 6-8 on solid waste management. Garbage pizza (solid waste management), Waste watchers (make less waste in the first place), Compost Office (how composting works), Recycling Rules (how recycling works), Energy to Burn (burning waste to generate electricity), Landfill Lounge (how landfills work)

Composting in Schools  Exit EPA Disclaimer K-12
A comprehensive guide for teachers interested in guiding students' research projects on composting. The book was selected by the National Science Teachers Association to be included in 'Recommends', a collection of the best science education books.

Cool School Challenge Exit EPA DisclaimerGrades 9-12
Take the challenge at your school and learn about everyday actions you can take to reduce your environmental impact locally and globally.

Earth 911 (Recycling)  Exit EPA Disclaimer Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Type in your ZIP code or find your State on a map to locate recycling centers in your community "for all types of recyclables." This site contains information you can use to teach middle school and high school students about waste prevention, recycling and other environmental issues.

EE Link Teachers Exit EPA Disclaimer  K-12
This Web site porvides educators of students in Pre-K thriugh 12th grade with free downloadable lesson plans and webpage links on a range of environemntal education topics.

EnviroHealth Connections Exit EPA Disclaimer Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Teachers
EnviroHealth Connections is a gateway to multi-media resources for middle and high school students and teachers. This project brings imagination into the classroom through interactive investigations, expert presentations, comprehensive lesson plans and more.

The Green Flag Program Exit EPA Disclaimer Grades 9-12
The Green Flag Program helps schools become healthier places for kids, and teaches students about the school's environment. Parents, teachers, and kids work together to investigate environmental issues in school, identify problems, create solutions, and improve the school environment.

How to Put Worms to Work for You Exit EPA Disclaimer Grades K-5
An interactive learning atmosphere that offers information on composting.

National Environmental Education Week  Exit EPA Disclaimer K-12
Whether you are a teacher in a public, private, or homeschool classroom, or an educator at a nature center, zoo, or aquarium, Environmental Education Week can help you to actively engage your students in environmental education. The Environmental Education Curricula Library provides environmentally-themed lessons and activities for K-12.

Trash Goes to School Exit EPA Disclaimer K-12
A complete curriculum for teaching about solid waste and recycling, broken out into four grade ranges from K-12. Covers reduction, recycling, composting, incineration, landfills and risk.

What's Up with the Environment Exit EPA Disclaimer Grades 9-12
If you need a single lesson or a longer term project, visit this site for extensive and multimedia background information and plans for projects about water, land, air and energy. Students can explore environmental issues, formulate and find answers to questions about the environment, and explore "Cool Careers" for ideas about an environment-related job.

What on Earth? (water, soil, land quiz) Grades 6-8,Grades 9-12

Where Compost Happens Exit EPA Disclaimer Grades 6-8
See how Mansfield Middle School set up a school-wide food waste composting program.

Environmental Kids' Club | EPA Kids Club | Student Center | High School Environmental Center | Office of Environmental Education

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