Federal Trade Commission Settlement of AmeriDebt Case

    The FTC mailed the first round of AmeriDebt consumer redress checks the week of September 8, 2008. We mailed a second round of consumer redress checks on December 29, 2008.

In May 2006, the court entered a final settlement with the remaining parties involved in the AmeriDebt case, resolving a lawsuit filed in November 2003 against AmeriDebt, DebtWorks, and Andris Pukke for engaging in deceptive practices regarding credit counseling and debt management plans.

The settlement required Andris Pukke to give up virtually all of his assets, up to $35 million. The court ordered a Receiver to collect and sell property owned by Andris Pukke. The receiver has been working cliligently to correct and sell various properties & assets.

If you paid fees or contributions to AmeriDebt between January 31, 1998 and October 7, 2004, and you did not receive a check:

  • AmeriDebt consumers should call the FTC’s redress administrator at 888-309-3816.
  • If we have your information in the database, you can make a request that we re-issue the check (although we can't re-issue checks until April 2009). If we do not have your information in the database, we will send you a claim form.

Checks to consumers who obtained a DMP from another agency affiliated with Debtworks were mailed redress checks through a class action on October 28, 2008. For updates, see www.polacsekclass.com

Frequently Asked Questions (12/11/08)

Contempt Action

Order Holding Andris Pukke and Peter Baker in Contempt of Court (3/30/07) [PDF]

Case Information

Complaint (11/19/03)   [PDF]
Consent Order with AmeriDebt (03/21/05)   [PDF]
Consent Order with Andris Pukke (05/17/06)   [PDF]
Consent Order with Pamela Pukke (02/09/06)   [PDF]
News Release (01/09/06) [TEXT]  

Class Action Settlement (entered 9/18/06)



         Final Approval Order   [PDF]
         Class Settlement With Andris Pukke   [PDF]
         Class Settlement With Pamela Pukke   [PDF]

Consumer Information

Before You File for Personal Bankruptcy:
Information About Credit Counseling and Debtor Education
For People on Debt Management Plans: A Must-Do List [TEXT] [PDF]
Fiscal Fitness: Choosing a Credit Counselor [TEXT] [PDF]
Knee Deep in Debt [TEXT] [PDF]

Receiver Reports

June 2005 Report   [PDF]
September 2005 Report   [PDF]
March 2006 Report   [PDF]
June 2006 Report   [PDF]
Motion for Contempt, October 2006   [PDF]
October 2007 Report   [PDF]

Last Modified: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2008 14:37:00 EST