Agency Forms

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
Citizenship and Immigration Services - USCIS
Department of Agriculture - USDA
Department of Commerce - DOC
Department of Defense - DOD
Department of Education - ED
Department of Energy - DOE
Department of Health and Human Services - HHS
Department of Housing and Urban Development - HUD
Department of Justice - DOJ
Department of Labor - DOL
Department of State - STATE
Department of the Interior - DOI
Department of the Treasury - TREAS
Department of Transportation - DOT
Department of Veterans Affairs - VA
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - EEOC
Export/Import Bank of the United States - EXIMBANK
Federal Communications Commission - FCC
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC
Federal Emergency Management Agency - FEMA
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - FERC
Federal Housing Finance Board - FHFB
Federal Maritime Commission - FMC
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service - FMCS
Federal Reserve system - FRS
Federal Trade Commission - FTC
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network - FCEN
General Services Administration - GSA
Institute of Museum and Library Services - IMLS
International Trade Commission - ITC
Library of Congress - LOC
Merit Systems Protection Board - MSPB
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA
National Archives and Records Administration - NARA
National Credit Union Administration - NCUA
National Science Foundation - NSF
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - NRC
Office of Management and Budget - OMB
Office of Personnel Management - OPM
Office of Special Counsel - OSC
Peace Corps - PEACE
Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation - PBGC
Railroad Retirement Board - RRB
Small Business Administration - SBA
Social Security Administration - SSA
Surface Transportation Board - STB
United States Postal Service - USPS