Agency List

172 results.
Administration and Resources Management ARM 11
Agency for International Development AID 1
Agricultural Marketing Service AMS 31
Agricultural Research Service ARS 5
Air and Radiation AR 149
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau TTB 71
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service APHIS 19
Antitrust Division ATR 1
Assistant Secretary for Veterans Employment and Training ASVET 1
Bureau of Customs & Border Protection BCBP 117
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives ATF 47
Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA 34
Bureau of Engraving and Printing BEP 1
Bureau of Industry and Security BIS 42
Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS 77
Bureau of Land Management BLM 46
Bureau of Reclamation RB 32
Bureau of Transportation Statistics - Aviation BTSA 1
Bureau of the Census CENSUS 51
Bureau of the Public Debt BPD 58
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC 28
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS 188
Civil Rights Division CRT 10
Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC 23
Community Development Financial Institution Funds CDFIF 8
Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC 1
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service CSREES 4
Corporation for National and Community Service CNCS 7
Criminal Division CD 7
Defense Finance and Accounting Service DFAS 9
Department of Agriculture USDA 541
Department of Army DOA 6
Department of Commerce DOC 539
Department of Defense DOD 109
Department of Education ED 54
Department of Energy DOE 165
Department of Health and Human Services HHS 269
Department of Homeland Security DHS 331
Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD 353
Department of Justice DOJ 121
Department of Labor DOL 264
Department of Navy NAVY 2
Department of State State 27
Department of Transportation DOT 182
Department of Veterans Affairs VA 154
Department of the Air Force AF 11
Department of the Interior DOI 275
Department of the Treasury TREAS 1034
Departmental Management DM 1
Departmental Offices DO 27
Departmental and Others DODDEP 27
Departmental and Others ENDEP 1
Directorate of Science and Technology S&T 18
Drug Enforcement Administration DEA 20
Economic Development Administration EDA 17
Employment Standards Administration ESA 135
Employment and Training Administration ETA 17
Energy Information Administration EIA 20
Environmental Protection Agency EPA 220
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC 1
Executive Office for Immigration Review EOIR 11
Executive Office for U.S. Trustees EOUST 2
Export-Import Bank of the U.S. EXIMBANK 34
Farm Service Agency FSA 198
Federal Aviation Administration FAA 61
Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI 9
Federal Communications Commission FCC 97
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC 68
Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA 56
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC 15
Federal Highway Administration FHWA 16
Federal Maritime Commission FMC 15
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service FMCS 6
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA 19
Federal Railroad Administration FRA 58
Federal Reserve System FRS 154
Federal Student Aid FSA 20
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network FINCEN 14
Financial Management Service FMS 19
Food and Drug Administration FDA 13
Food and Nutrition Service FNS 25
Foreign Agricultural Service FAS 11
Forest Service FS 6
General Services Administration GSA 68
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) GNMA 7
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration GIPSA 116
Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA 9
Indian Health Service IHS 6
Institute of Museum and Library Services IMLS 15
Internal Revenue Service IRS 713
International Trade Administration ITA 17
International Trade Commission ITC 75
Justice Management Division JMD 3
Legal Activities LA 4
Maritime Administration MARAD 7
Merit Systems Protection Board MSPB 1
Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA 25
Minerals Management Service MMS 56
Minority Business Development Agency MBDA 1
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA 8
National Archives and Records Administration NARA 23
National Credit Union Administration NCUA 6
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA 12
National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST 14
National Institutes of Health NIH 12
National Labor Relations Board NLRB 11
National Mediation Board NMB 9
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA 141
National Park Service NPS 25
National Science Foundation NSF 20
National Telecommunication and Information Administration NTIA 5
National Transportation Safety Board NTSB 1
Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS 4
Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC 52
Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA 8
Office of Administration OA 14
Office of Administration DOEOA 6
Office of Community Planning and Development OCPD 21
Office of Domestic Preparedness ODP 1
Office of English Language Acquisition OELA 1
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity FHEO 6
Office of General Counsel HUDGC 2
Office of Government Ethics OGE 3
Office of Housing OH 186
Office of Management and Budget OMB 14
Office of Personnel Management OPM 72
Office of Postsecondary Education OPE 13
Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances OPPTS 29
Office of Public and Indian Housing PIH 77
Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools OSDFS 11
Office of Secretary HUDSEC 9
Office of Special Counsel OSC 5
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services OSERS 4
Office of Surface Mining OSM 8
Office of Thrift Supervision OTS 35
Office of University Partnerships OUP 2
Office of Violence Against Women OVW 1
Office of Vocational and Adult Education OVAE 1
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency OCC 44
Office of the Secretary OS 38
Office of the Secretary AgSEC 1
Office of the Under Secretary OUS 1
Overseas Private Investment Corporation OPIC 36
Patent and Trademark Office PTO 215 42
Peace Corps PEACE 4
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation PBGC 27
Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration PHMSA 6
Policy Development and Research PD&R 17
Program Support Center PSC 1
Public Health Services PHS 3
Railroad Retirement Board RRB 45
Rural Business Cooperative Service RBS 34
Rural Housing Service RHS 87
Securities and Exchange Commission SEC 170
Small Business Administration SBA 75
Social Security Administration SSA 193
Solid Waste and Emergency Response SWER 3
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA 4
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services USCIS 112
U.S. Coast Guard USCG 21
U.S. Courts USCOURTS 114
U.S. Courts USCOURTS 114
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service FWS 107
U.S. Geological Survey GS 1
U.S. Mint MINT 2
U.S. Postal Service USPS 128
US Agency for International Development USAID 5
United States Secret Service USSS 1
Veterans Benefits Administration VBA 115
Veterans Health Administration VHA 34
Water WATER 27