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Welcome to the National Hemophilia Foundation

The National Hemophilia Foundation is dedicated to finding better treatments and cures for bleeding and clotting disorders and to preventing the complications of these disorders through education, advocacy and research.

Hemophilia Walk 61st Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, CA

The National Hemophilia Foundation helps consumers:

Project Red FlagNational Prevention ProgramFirst stepNHF Programs & Services

What's New:

  • First Step Refresher Course

  • Spring Summit 2009
  • NHF's New Virtual Exhibit Hall

    Check out this state-of-the-art multimedia showcase. Learn about products and services. Sign up for your free copy of HemAware magazine.

    The development of the Virtual Exhibit Hall was provided by the generous support of CSL Behring.




    There's a wide range of resources for Researchers, Medical and Healthcare Professionals, including:

    Our research, education and advocacy initiatives are made possible with your involvement and generous support. Here's how you can help:

    Inhibitors can be a serious problem for certain people with bleeding disorders. Inhibitors are a type of antibody produced by the body's immune system in response to factor concentrate. By neutralizing the effect of the factor product, they can prevent the formation of blood clots.

    Read more about Inhibitors >>

    Nathan Wilkes,
    Father of a Son with Hemophilia, Introduces Pres. Obama at Town Hall Meeting in CO

    August 17th, 2009

    Support The Campaign to Put Patients First


    Register for Inhibitor Educal Summits

    Campaign for Our Future

    International Panel of Experts Reaches Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Bleeding Disorders in Women
    June 4, 2009

    On ABC Eyewitness News
    Detecting Von Willebrand's disease
    June 3, 2009

    vCJD Found in UK Patient; No Added Risk Seen for U.S. Patient
    February 18, 2009

     Lifetime Caps Bill Introduced
    February 18, 2009