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Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Family Chenopodiaceae

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Up to the Kingdom
Kingdom  Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom  Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision  Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division  Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class  Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass  Caryophyllidae
Order  Caryophyllales
Family  Chenopodiaceae – Goosefoot family
Contains 34 Genera and 273 accepted taxa overall
Down one level
Genus  Allenrolfea Kuntze – allenrolfea P
Genus  Aphanisma Nutt. ex Moq. – coastalcreeper P
Genus  Arthrocnemum Moq. – arthrocnemum P
Genus  Atriplex L. – saltbush P
Genus  Axyris L. – Russian pigweed P
Genus  Bassia All. – smotherweed P
Genus  Beta L. – beet P
Genus  Camphorosma L. P
Genus  Chenopodium L. – goosefoot P
Genus  Corispermum L. – bugseed P
Genus  Cycloloma Moq. – cycloloma P
Genus  Dysphania R. Br. – dysphania P
Genus  Enchylaena R. Br. P
Genus  Endolepis Torr. – endolepis P
Genus  Exomis Fenzl ex Moq. P
Genus  Grayia Hook. & Arn. – hopsage P
Genus  Halimione Aellen P
Genus  Halocnemum M. Bieb. P
Genus  Halogeton C.A. Mey. – saltlover P
Genus  Krascheninnikovia Guldenstaedt – winterfat P
Genus  Maireana Moq. P
Genus  Microtea Sw. – jumby pepper P
Genus  Monolepis Schrad. – povertyweed P
Genus  Nitrophila S. Watson – niterwort P
Genus  Polycnemum L. – polycnemum P
Genus  Proatriplex (W.A. Weber) Stutz & G.L. Chu – proatriplex P
Genus  Salicornia L. – pickleweed P
Genus  Salsola L. – Russian thistle P
Genus  Sarcobatus Nees – greasewood P
Genus  Sarcocornia A.J. Scott – swampfire P
Genus  Spinacia L. – spinach P
Genus  Suaeda Forssk. ex J.F. Gmel. – seepweed P
Genus  Suckleya A. Gray – suckleya P
Genus  Zuckia Standl. – zuckia P

The report will display the kingdom and all descendants leading down to the name you choose.