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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children
  Division of State and Tribal Systems
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Resource Library - Links

National Interstate Case Reconciliation Project Library

The National Interstate Case Reconciliation Project Library provides technical support to states that choose to participate in a National Interstate Case Reconciliation (ICR) project. The library consists of material issued to assist states in making the determination regarding participation in the ICR project, and technical data for those states that do choose to participate.

OCSE Network and CSENet 2000 Home Page

The OCSE Network and CSENet 2000 Home Page links to CSENet 2000 documents and status.

Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS) Kids First

The DFAS Kids First application enables state CSE agencies to send wage-withholding orders electronically to DFAS and the Garnishment Operations Directorate via the OCSE Network using a batch process method.

Last modified: August 8, 2008

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